
2022-01-07 Recent Releases

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* ZXDS 2.2.0 for 3DS/2DS -

* SDLMAME 0.239 for Ubuntu -

* XRoar 1.0.7 [Dragon/CoCo] -

* JKCEMU [German 8-bit computers] -

* Rom Vault 3.4.3 [Rom Manager] -

* ScummVM 2.5.1 -

* GameEx 17.17 [Front-end] -

2022-01-01 Recent Releases

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MAME 0.239 was released

* ARCADE64 -
* WolfMame -
* MAME for Raspberry Pi -


* CPCemu 2.4 [Amstrad] -

* GroovyMAME 0.238 - Switchres 2.002f -

* Vice 3.6 [Commodore 64] -

* Emma 02 v1.43 [Cosmac-based] -

* XRoar 1.0.6 [Dragon/CoCo] -

* Emulicious (2021-12-30) [Multi-system] -

* JKCEMU [German 8-bit computers] -

* RPCS3...

MAME v0.239 released!

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MAME 0.239​


MAME 0.239
Did you think we’d let 2021 finish without a parting MAME release? MAME 0.239 is here, just in time for the new year. This release includes a fix for many subtle and not-so-subtle sound and music timing issues in games using Yamaha FM synthesis chips. The frame rate for Gaelco games has been adjusted to satisfy some wily protection checks, fixing crashes when continuing in Thunder Hoop and graphical issues in Squash. A big update for Philips CD-i emulation just made it in for this release, greatly improving the experience in a lot of games. Nintendo Famicom Disk System emulation has also seen some improvements this month.
This release is packed with even more Soviet re-skins of the Game & Watch Egg program, the latest Apple II dumps and cracks, another batch of Commodore 64 cassettes, and more exotic NES and Famicom...

WINE v7.0-RC3 (development) released!

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Wine v7.0-rc3 is released. Wine is a project to allow a PC running a Unix-like operating system and the X Window System to run x86 programs for Microsoft Windows. Alternately, those wishing to port a Windows application to a Unix-like system can compile it against the Wine libraries.

Wine v7.0-rc3 Changelog:
Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.
is released. Wine is a project to allow a PC running a Unix-like operating system and the X Window System to run x86 programs for Microsoft Windows. Alternately, those wishing to port a Windows application to a Unix-like system can compile it against the Wine libraries.

Cemu v1.26.0 RELEASED!

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Cemu v1.26.0 is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.

Cemu Changelog:

Input system rework
Graphics fixes
Audio fixes
Crash fixes
Improved compatibility
Various smaller improvements

2021-12-24 Recent Releases

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* Nanoboy Advance 1.4 [GBA] -

* JKCEMU 0.9.8 [German 8-bit computers] -

* XRoar 1.0.5 [Dragon/CoCo] -

* Raine 0.92.4a [Arcade] -

* QEmu 6.1.1 [PC] -

mGBA v0.9.3 released!

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A new release of mGBA, version 0.9.3 is available. This version is a bugfix release, which contains many important fixes. Importantly, random freezing with the OpenGL display driver, mostly when using fast forward, which had only partially been fixed in 0.9.2, should now be properly fixed. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.

Emulation fixes:

  • GB I/O: Fix incrementing SGB controller when P14 is low (fixes #2202)
  • GB Video: Render SGB border when unmasking with ATTR/PAL_SET (fixes #2261)
  • GBA SIO: Fix SI value for unattached MULTI mode
  • GBA Video: Fix backdrop color if DISPCNT is first set to 0 (fixes #2260)
  • GBA Video: Don’t iterate affine backgrounds when disabled
  • GBA Video: Delay enabling backgrounds in bitmap modes (fixes #1668)
Other fixes:

  • ARM Decoder: Fix decoding of lsl...

2021-12-16 Recent Releases

  • 1,943
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* XRoar 1.0.4 [Dragon/CoCo] -

* Joyce 2.4.0 [Amstrad] -

* Qemu 6.2.0 [PC] -

* GameEx 17.11 [Front-end] -

PlayStation 4 OFW 9.00 Jailbreak released, can reportedly affect PS5 consoles as well

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There's a new PlayStation 4 exploit in town--PS4 scene developers have released pOOBs4, a new kernel exploit that affects consoles on firmware 9.0.0. According to the pOOBs4 GitHub page, this exploit functions a little differently from previous PS4 jailbreak methods; you'll need a dedicated USB drive with the jailbreak software, which you'll insert into the system at a specific time during the process. The hack can also work on the PlayStation 5, claims the team, but triggering it isn't possible yet, and they recommend that users don't try to mess with their PS5 consoles until more information is available on how it affects that system. Currently, any PS4 that is on OFW 9.0.0 or below is exploitable using this method.

In this project you will find an implementation that tries to make use of a filesystem bug for the Playstation 4 on firmware 9.00. The bug was found while diffing the 9.00 and 9.03 kernels. It will require a drive with a modified exfat...

Raine v0.92.3 released!

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Raine v0.92.3 is released. RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.


- the sound associations were deleted if you loaded any game which had some. This reason alone was enough to make a new binary to avoid that people delete all their associations !
- yet another gui problem where the loading dialog was zoomed too much. Fixed, and the default is now to use opengl for rendering, which makes much more sense since it has more options and is much more tested.
- cps2 rasters are better, see the details in the 0.92.2 thread if you want to know how.
- and the joysticks configuration changes again, which obliged me to reset again...

2021-12-10 Recent Releases

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* WinUAE 4.9.0 [Amiga] -

* Pantheon 11.036 [Multi-system] -

* WinArcadia 28.31 [s2650-based] -

* Classic99 v399.053 [T.I. 99/4A] -

* dgVoodoo 2.77 [Plugin] -

* BletchMAME 2.10 [Front-end] -

Nes creator passes

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You have entertained millions sir. You will be missed.

Felix v0.5.0 released!

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Felix v0.5.0 is released. Felix is a new opensource Atari Lynx emulator for Windows.

Felix v0.5.0 Changelog:

Introducing simple GUI
Fixed XOR sprites drawing
Redefinable key mapping
Simple gamepad support
Automatic key remapping depending on rotation
Giving Felix the focus for keyboard after a drag&drop
Cpu corrections (fixes Dracula)
Ability to change rotation and eeprom properies (can't be saved yet)
Extended lua debugging facilities


Play! v0.47 released!

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Play! v0.47 is released. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

Play! v0.47 Changelog:
- Compatibility improvements: Atelier Marie & Elie and Tairyou Jigoku now go ingame.
- Fixed regression in Mushihimesama. Goes back ingame.
- Fixed sound/music issues in Kingdom Hearts.
- Vulkan: Improved handling of min & mag filters (some games should look less blocky).
- iOS: Added support for AltServer JIT activation. This needs to be enabled in the settings.
- Android: Improved position of FPS label on notched screens.
- Android: Fixed crashes.

fpPS4 (Another PS4 emulator)

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It is still an early development. No games are being playable yet.

XRoar v1.0.3 released!

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XRoar v1.0.3 is released. XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v1.0.3 Changelog:
6801/6803: many more illegal instructions [Greg Dionne, Ron Klein]
Fix EXTMEM signalling for writes to RAM [Stewart Orchard]
MC10: Constrain video to internal 4K RAM [Simon Jonassen]
Default -ao-fragments changed for new SDL audio [Steve Bamford]
MPI: return to selected slot on reset ["dragonnostalgia", Tim Lindner]

Ootake v3.03 released!

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Ootake v3.03 is released. Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator available for windows, and Ootake is also one of the more complete. Also, Ootake is FREE unlike Magic Engine.

Ootake v3.03 Changelog::
- Fixed a bug (Occurs in v3.02) that the game could not be started if the
external CD-ROM drive was removed when playing a game with a full CD
installation in the "CD-ROM->CD Install" menu.
- The sprite display processing has been brought closer to the operation of
the actual machine. In the demo scene of "Dragon Slayer: The Legend of
Heroes 2", the problem that the image was missing (occurred from the
recent version) has been resolved.
- The processing related to raster interrupts has been brought closer to the
operation of the actual machine. In the demo scene of "Sol Moonarge", the
problem that the drawing on the screen was disturbed (occurred from v2.81)
has been solved.

Hhugboy v1.3.1 released!

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Hhugboy v1.3.1 is released. HhugBoy is a Game Boy (Color) emulator for Windows, based on GEST v1.1.1 by TM, with added support for unlicensed mappers, Unicode filenames, screenshots and some other stuff.

Hhugboy v1.3.1 Changelog:
New mapper support: New GB Color HKxxxx PCB (used for Pokémon hacks), Vast Fame secondary releases on GGB-81 PCB (and others)
Allow undersized save files to be read (to avoid saves being wiped when an "unlicensed compatibility mode" change results in a RAM size change)

Raine v0.92.2 released!

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Raine v0.92.2 is released. RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.

- mouse wheel fixed again
- the gui handles some strings too long to be displayed properly (they are cut now, but the default is still a small 640x480 window for raine, so just change that to fullscreen or anything bigger before complaining !)
- fix broken screenshots in opengl
- some experimental game controllers mappings for mer-curious, we'll see how it goes...
- the option to use the dpad for movement only or to be able to remap it when the dpad is recognized (game controllers)
- and some...

AetherSX2 beta released for Android

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AetherSX2 for Andoird is released. AetherSX2 is a emulator of the PS Two console for the Android platform. You can play games which you have dumped from disc on your portable device.

AetherSX2 Features:

- System simulation
- OpenGL, Vulkan and Software rendering
- Upscaling of games to 1080p and beyond
- Widescreen patches for games without native support
- Save states
- Touchscreen and bluetooth controller support
- Games can be loaded from iso/chd/cso disc images
- Per game settings

Download at only.
