Nen-emulator beta 1 released! (new NES emulator)

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It is a simple and clean NES emulator, written in Rust. Fast, lightweight, and highly compatible.


  • nenemu is dynamically linked with SDL2.
  • nenemu-static is statically linked with SDL2.

Drag and drop a rom file to run.

TetaNES v0.11.0 released!

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TetaNES is a multi-platform emulator of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) released in Japan in 1983 and North America in 1986, written using Rust and wgpu. It runs on Linux, macOS, Windows and in a web browser with WebAssembly. Although the web version is playable, the desktop version is much more efficient and complete.


GoNES v0.1.0 released!

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It is an NES emulator written in Go.


The changes:
– 5d9688d feat(config): Add config to change overscan
– f075eae feat(ppu): Add option to remove the original hardware sprite limit
– 0fca4f2 feat(web): Add Plausible

– 868cecc fix(apu): Clear IRQ on reset
– cccff16 fix(apu): Clear IRQ when inhibitoryd via
– cf3b9b0 fix(apu): Fix DMC looped sample setting IRQ
– 3b88744 fix(apu): Fix 4015 IRQ flags not being set
– e6c7ab3 fix(apu): Initialize APU with a 4-step frame counter
– 48783d5 fix(cpu): Delay IRQ by one clock after CLI is called
– a9947ac fix(golangci): Suppress integer overflow warnings
– a95119a fix(log): Fix formatting of logged addresses

– edb312c chore(apu): Change audio stream format to 32-bit float
– cd20567 chore(apu): Code cleanups
– cb57a65 chore(apu): Simplify frame counter step func
– 640d1f7 chore(cartridge): Change mapper fields from byte to uint8
– 1857e58 chore(cartridge)...

GoNES v0.0.3 released!

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It is an NES emulator written in Go.



– fix(cartridge): Fix panic when invalid ROM file is loaded
– fix(console): Fix js builds not checking if has been SRAM
– fix(console): Save SRAM even if autosave fails during close
– fix(taskfile): Fix nointro:update task
– fix: Set exit code to 1 on error
– perf(apu): Optimize audio buffer
– perf(ppu): Slight optimization of sprite pixel fetch
– perf(ppu): Slight rendering optimization
– perf(web): Optimize wasm output with wasm-opt
– perf: Disable debug/trace on js and other code tweaks to shrink binary by 1MB

– chore(cartridge): Add more context to invalid ROM error
– chore(cmd): Clean up versioning with functional argument
– chore(console): Clear audio buffer loading when a state
– chore(database): Add to-csv logs
– chore(database): Ensure response body is always drained
– chore(database): Generate gzipped database when writing CSV

BrightNES v0.1 released!

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Cycle-accurate NES emulator


  • Instruction Stepped, Cycle Ticked CPU
  • Cycle Ticked PPU
  • Load external palettes with the -p option
  • Smooth horizontal scrolling
  • Sprite 0 flag set
Pre-release. Functional on the following games
  • Donkey Kong
  • Pac Man
  • Super Mario Bros
  • Tennis
  • Excite bike
  • F1 race
Unplayable bugs/glitches on
  • Ice Hockey
  • Ice Climber

GoNES v0.0.2 released!

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An NES emulator written in Go.




  • 0f43ed0 feat(gonesutil): Add path output

  • 184137b fix(console): Fix initial state resume being added to the undo stack
  • 695f9cc fix(apu): Fix audio after Ebiten update
  • c724005 perf: Enable ebiten single thread mode
  • 20a2c86 perf(palette): Optimize emphasis palette generation...

ares v138 released

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ares is a multi-system emulator that began development on October 14th, 2004. It is a descendant of higan and bsnes, and focuses on accuracy and preservation.






Atari 2600

  • Improved 6502 CPU emulation; all unofficial opcodes are now implemented
  • Improve handling of the HMOVE register
  • Refactor of TIA; fixes many emulation issues but still imperfect
  • Implement correct 6502 reset timing

Bandai - WonderSwan / WonderSwan Color

  • Minor fixes to v30mz CPU emulation
  • Emulate...

puNES (x86-- x64) v0.111 has released!

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puNES is a great Nintendo NES emulator for windows and linux.


– Rewritten mappers : All.
– Rewritten WRAM, VRAM, PRGROM, CHROM and Nametebles management.
– Rewritten FDS support.
. Furthermore, an option has been added to select the mode for write operations. Until now, all writes were stored on an external file (diff file) to preserve the integrity of the disk image, now it’s possible to choose to write them directly to the FDS/QD file (making it portable to other emulators as well).
. Changed the format of the diff file, now I use the IPS format (which can always be applied to the original image).
– Rewritten the format and management of save states.
WARNING save states of version 0.110 or earlier are no longer compatible.
– Rewritten the audio of the VRC7.
Implemented the project « A YM2413 emulator written in C » of okaxaki :

jgnes v0.6.2 has released!

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It is a cross-platform NES emulator. It has a native interface built using SDL2 as well as a web interface that is compiled in WASM and runs in the browser.



– Upgraded wgpu to 0.17.2 to pick up a bugfix for the DirectX 12 backend where resizing the window would completely crash the program. This bug apparently did not affect the other wgpu backends
– Replaced the VRC7 expansion audio implementation with a stripped-down version of the YM2413/OPLL implementation from my Sega Master System emulator, which should be more accurate and also much more efficient
– Implemented the NES PPU’s grayscale bit, which was only used in a single officially released game: Noah’s Ark (EU) uses it for the water effect covering the bottom of the screen
– Made audio buffer size configurable instead of hardcoded

Mesen-X v1.0.1 r230911 (FINAL?) is released!

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Mesen-X is a fork of Mesen, which is a cross-platform NES/Famicom emulator for Windows & Linux built in C++ and C#. The original Mesen project has paused development, and this fork is meant to collect patches contributed by the community.


– mapper updates by @negativeExponent in #106
– Fix addition for vertically flipped sprites by @mkwong98 in #113
– corrections and some more mappers by @negativeExponent in #112
– fix warnings by @negativeExponent in #114
– mappers by @negativeExponent in #115
– Add Mapper 413 by @negativeExponent in #116
– rewrite jycompany mapper and add related mappers +others by @negativeExponent in #117
– mappers by @negativeExponent in #119
– a few mapper updates by @negativeExponent in #120
– Fix color emphasis emulation in Bisqwit’s NTSC filter by @Gumball2415 in #121
– Fix Action 53 initialization by @negativeExponent in #122
– Add dependency that made linux build fail by @roythearsonist in #125
– blargg NTSC Filter...

pFBN, pSNES, pNES, and pGEN v6.7 is released!

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These are “portable” versions of arcade/nes/snes/megadrive emulators which, although intended primarily for consoles, are also available under Windows.

The main goals of these ports are:
– Provide a basic but friendly user interface
– Use a recent rendering interface for speed and effects support
– Code portability and cross-platform
– Easy core updates (no changes original sources)


The changes are:

– Common: Cleanup media loading code
– Common: Add unknown files even if they don't exist in the game list.xml
– Common: Change position of menu items
– Common: Fix game paths starting with ./
– Common: Fixed media paths with Recalbox Gamelist.xml format
– Common: Added ability to use a custom gamelist.xml file in ROMS folders, replacing the list built-in game list (ROMFS.xml
– Common: Add SHOW_AVAILABLE menu option to hide missing files/ROMs/systems from the game list (reboot required)
– UI: Better...

puNES v0.110 is released! (Jan 10 2023)

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Qt-based Nintendo Entertainment System emulator and NSF/NSFe Music Player

  • Added support to Wayland.
  • Added support for "Fullscreen in window" with Wayland (the only type of fullscreen supported for now).
  • Added iNES/NES 2.0 header editor.
  • Added support for "Family Basic Keyboard" and "Subor Keyboard".
    • It's possible to capture and release keyboard input with the shortcut "Scrollock" and open and
      close a virtual keyboard with "CTRL+X".
    • Implemented the "Paste" function. It's possible to paste the text by dragging it in the main
      window of the emulator or copying it and then press the right mouse button and selecting "Paste".
      The text will be inserted through the simulation of the pressure of the keys and it will always
      be possible to interrupt the insertion by pressing the ESC key. During the paste, the Fast Forwarding
      will be active to reduce the waiting time.
    • Added support for the tape data recorder. Added a "Tape" submenu in the "NES"...

FCEUX 2.6.6 is released!

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Created by zeromus and rheiny (aka SP) and joined by mz, adelikat, nitsujrehtona, Ugly Joe, maximus, CaH4e3 (Demul, FCEU-MM), Sebastian Porst (FCEUXD SP), qfox and Lucas Sabota. Without forgetting the work of former authors: Bero (FCE), Xodnizel (FCEU), Bbitmaster & Parasyte (FCEU XD), Blip & nitsuja (FCEU TAS), Luke Gustafson (FCEU TAS+).



The 2.6.6 release is mainly a maintenance update for the mappers and emulation core with a few new features added in.

Some of these new features apply only to the Qt/SDL version of the GUI.

jgnes v0.6.1 is released!

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A cross-platform NES emulator. Has a native frontend built using SDL2 as well as a web frontend that compiles to WASM and runs in the browser.
  • Significant performance improvement / reduced CPU usage due to a rewrite of the 6502 CPU emulation code
  • Fixed a PPU bug where the PPU would sometimes render the wrong backdrop color when rendering was left disabled at the start of a frame; this caused occasional top-of-screen flickering in Battletoads, which leaves rendering disabled for the first ~7 visible scanlines of every frame
  • Fixed a bug that caused PAL audio sync to time to ~49.9 FPS instead of 50 FPS
  • Added an option to have audio sync time to native NES speed (~60.1 FPS NTSC / ~50.007 FPS PAL) instead of aiming for exactly 60 FPS NTSC / 50 FPS PAL
    • Note this will cause severe audio skipping if combined with VSync on a display with 60Hz refresh rate

jgnes v0.4.0 is released!

  • 1,018
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It is a cross-platform NES emulator. It has a native interface built using SDL2 as well as a web interface which is compiled in WASM and runs in the browser.

Fceux v2.6.5 is released!

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FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.

The 2.6.5 release is a maintenance update that contains various fixes from a back log of bugs and feature requests over the past year.

puNES v0.110 released!

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puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, and the sound is available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.


Added support to Wayland.
Added support for "Fullscreen in window" with Wayland (the only type of fullscreen supported for now).
Added iNES/NES 2.0 header editor.
Added support for "Family Basic Keyboard" and "Subor Keyboard".
It's possible to capture and release keyboard input with the shortcut "Scrollock" and open and
close a virtual keyboard with "CTRL+X".
Implemented the "Paste" function. It's possible to paste the text by dragging it in the main
window of the emulator or copying it and then press the right mouse button and selecting "Paste".
The text will be inserted through the simulation of the pressure of the keys and it will always
be possible to interrupt the insertion by pressing the ESC key. During the paste, the Fast Forwarding
will be active to reduce the waiting time...

Nestopia UE (Undead Edition) v1.52 released!

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Nestopia is a portable NES/Famicom emulator written in C++. Nestopia UE (Undead Edition) is a fork of the original source code, with enhancements from members of the emulation community. This includes support for new platforms, and bug fixes in the emulator core.


- FLTK: Update to latest lodepng
- FLTK: Use NST prefix for data directories in build (cpasjuste)

- FLTK: Better frame timing on non-60Hz screens
- win32: Fix minor code problems (mjunix)


- Add support for Unlicensed MMC3 boards with PRG ROM over 512K
- Add support for Mapper 258 (UNL-158B)
- Add support for Mapper 400 (UNL-RET-X7-GBL)

- Remove options for 8-bit audio and sample rates below 44100Hz
- Improve heuristics for VRC2/4 boards

- Fix IPS patching in cases where patches overlap ROM region boundaries
- Improve handling of fast...

Mesen-X v1.0.1 released!

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Mesen-X is a fork of Mesen, which is a cross-platform NES/Famicom emulator for Windows & Linux built in C++ and C#. The original Mesen project has paused development, and this fork is meant to collect patches contributed by the community.

What's Changed​

  • MingW64 Libretro fixes by @mkwong98 in #63
  • Build against an older version of Ubuntu to attempt to increase native code backwards compatibility by @empathicqubit in #65
  • Use Ubuntu Docker container, which is cleaner than Github runner by @empathicqubit in #66
  • Document stepOut/stepOver functions. by @empathicqubit in...

Fceux v2.6.3 released!

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Fceux v2.6.3 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulatorthat is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.


  • Common
  • Mappers
    • Bug fix for mapper 16 submapper 4, allow writes to address range $6000 - $600D.
    • Bug fix for mapper 3 bus conflict logic. Bus conflicts are now only enabled for submapper 2.
    • FDS IRQ emulation improvement.
    • Implemented extra RAM for mapper 225.
  • Win32 Debugger
    • Fixed loading of saved debugger breakpoint data from previous sessions. This bug started occurring when the saved...
