Vertices are editable (dragging with mouse, keyboard, the GUI widget, or manual input of the data.. points are marked when in vertex editor mode, and clickable). Along with that, the user can modify a level's collision to match the graphics, or have the program do it for them after modifying the graphics. In future releases, the program will be capable of duplicating vertices to add graphics & collision data.
As far as normals are concerned, no N64 game stores vertex or face normals (I assume that if they're used, in lighting for example, they're calculated on the fly). The only thing that has defined face normals is the collision data (triangle based), which need recalculating after the collision's vertices are modified.
Shot 1 = Normal, untouched level with one pillar's vertices selected. Rendering just the graphics.
Shot 2 = Same as above, though the collision is being rendered over the graphics, which is colored based on its function (will explain those at a later time).
Shot 3 = The end product (I went ahead and got rid of all the pillars for fun

) Graphics modified by me, let the program match up the collision.
Shot 4 = Ingame. :flowers:
Shot 5 = Heheh.
Best part is, it took less than 1 minute to do all of that. =]
Edit: ignore the "273" text box... just debugging stuff.