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Athlon 64 & Pentium 4


New member
I would buy a athlon 64 myself if they werent so expensive and the motherboards werent so full of bugs, I work at a compaq authorized service center and we see them (and play with them every day when testing of course hehe) and they are fast for gaming but they are not balanced when you multi task and the current mobos are a nightmare but I know they will get fixed, it is a relatively new platform full of pontetial and considering the fsb controller it in the cpu they are cheap. Still I like the p4 for their balance with their ht multitasking.


Active member
achiles said:
I take predictions or statements about a company production plan with a grain of salt I only base my knowledge on know facts. If I went by what someone said a company is gonna do with their products especially a cpu company then i would go crazy. (new cpu canceled heres a new one, now wait some more) it is all a game to them.

Intel don't want people overclocking. Future Intel processors will have their FSB locked, but motherboards can get around it, but only by so much. Just read here:


oh and I meant the xp where fsb locked not the athlons 64.

NO Athlon chips are FSB locked full stop. How are so many people overclocking their CPUs? How come it is active in my BIOS? Please stop the misinformation. I still prefer Athlon processors since I like to play games, that's the primary thing I use mine for.


New member
DarthDazDC said:
after reading many benchmarks i do agree with this, but i dont want to spend £500+ foir a processor that will only perform around 5 frames more
don't forget that the Athlon64 is 64bit, while the P4 is 32bit. so the P4 is essentially a 'cul-de-sac' as a long term investment.


Clements said:
AthlonXPs are weaker than P4s but are much cheaper

Dude, you are so wrong :p
An Athlon 3200+ does NOT equal 3.2ghz, it is 2.2ghz.
If a 2.2ghz XP can be on par with the 3.2ghz p4, then
by no means is it weaker, as a matter of fact, it is way
more stronger. Comare the 2.2ghz p4 to the 2.2ghz XP and
you'll see what I mean :p


An Alright Guy
i REALLY should have got an athlon 64 3200+ instead of a p4 3.2GHZ, as with an athlon 64 its got more longevity than a pentium


New member
Great explanations Clements

Dude, you are so wrong
An Athlon 3200+ does NOT equal 3.2ghz, it is 2.2ghz.
If a 2.2ghz XP can be on par with the 3.2ghz p4, then
by no means is it weaker, as a matter of fact, it is way
more stronger. Comare the 2.2ghz p4 to the 2.2ghz XP and
you'll see what I mean
I think he knows that =) But if use AMD PR system in theory its equal P4s 3.2Ghz... But ofcourse its little slower than it =)
i REALLY should have got an athlon 64 3200+ instead of a p4 3.2GHZ, as with an athlon 64 its got more longevity than a pentium
Too late ;)
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(when dream come true)
aprentice said:
Dude, you are so wrong

and you think you are right ?
so funny... in fact you are right when you have said he can't compare an amd 3200 with a P4 at 3,2 ghz, because of the clock speed... but you do a similar mistake !!! how many time did it take to amd to arrive at 2,2 ghz ? intel has past this speed a long time ago before amd...

ever heard the word "anachronism" ?
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Strange said:
But if use AMD PR system in theory its equal P4s 3.2Ghz... But ofcourse its little slower than it =)

Too late ;)

actually.... the AMD PR system is produced by comparing the CPUs to the Athlon Thunderbird processors, it doesn't really apply if you compare the PR with the speed of intels latest CPUs since hyperthreading and the 800 MHz FSB came into place


New member
Yeah i know that, but Thunderbirds is no longer exists now...
But A64 PR comparing to P4 i think... Since they have very close performance results...
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New member
Clements said:
Intel don't want people overclocking. Future Intel processors will have their FSB locked, but motherboards can get around it, but only by so much. Just read here:


NO Athlon chips are FSB locked full stop. How are so many people overclocking their CPUs? How come it is active in my BIOS? Please stop the misinformation. I still prefer Athlon processors since I like to play games, that's the primary thing I use mine for.

my 2500xp is not fsb locked but my next door neighbor's 2500 which is a 39 week one is locked. A lot of ppl got the week 38 and under cpu but anyone above is pretty much done for at least on the 2500 xp.


and if the p4 are fsb locked explain this http://www.abit-usa.com/news/2004/20040701.php 800mhz overclock with stock cooling is not minimal for me.
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Man on a mission
The bottom line is that it's horses for courses. Sure the A64 family is faster than P4s. But for my needs of music software I'm unwilling to go to A64 just yet. Oh btw when I bought my machine almost 18 months ago A64's weren't commonplace either, nor was their pricing. Right now its AMD. Next time its Intel. These type of discussions aren't worth fighting over. It all depends on what you buy when and why.
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mezkal said:
Sure the A64 family is faster than P4s. But for my needs of music software I'm unwilling to go to A64 just yet

every processor has it's advantages, mean as this is a console emulation site, we usually refer to the gaming performance rather than other performance, i'm sure most of us agree that the main advantage the P4 has over the AMD K7/8 series is video encoding, Intel usually always take the lead


Strange said:
Yeah i know that, but Thunderbirds is no longer exists now...
But A64 PR comparing to P4 i think... Since they have very close performance results...

Yeah, I think your correct, now they do seem to be similar since the A64 came out.... Not sure if this will change when the latest P4s have Intels new PR rating system, this will be similar to the Radeon rating system, e.g 620, 660, 680 etc


New member
Clements said:
In the stuff I've seen, the Pentium 4s get beaten by Athlon64's everytime, and they are cheaper, even in 32-Bit, in gaming benchmarks. Even the Extreme Editions get slaughtered. Just look on any benchmark site. Intel are in trouble.




Depends what you use as a source I guess... But I could be wrong but I allways believed Tomshardware site to be nonbiased... But I could be wrong here.....

Hmmmm reading now that you are hammering more about the A64 and you might have a good point there Clements..... But for proffessional use I would allways go for an Intell above AMD... Because of the hyperthreading/multitask part.... Might sound strange but my dual 500 celeron was faster for the stuff I'm doing and more stable then a AMD 1GHz. This was because of the multitasking, so as soon as photoshop got a hickup it would only occupy one cpu so the other could go on with flash and even burn a cd.... With the latest Intell cpu's it creates multiple software cpu's what helps alot when I'm doing multiple stuff.... But I must also agree that most people are not running multiple heave software aplications at once so this would give no extra performence (who wants to photoshop while playing doom3?)
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Active member
Quake 3 is optimised for hyperthreading so that's why it's much faster with Intel. AMD is faster with all games not based on Quake 3.

Anyway, NONE of the [very old now] benchmarks you posted took Athlon64 into account whatsoever, all that shows is that P4s are faster than AthlonXPs which I already stated myself in the thread earlier.


Man on a mission
Actually man on *all* threaded apps P4's hyperthreading isn't always gonna be fastest in terms of benchmarks but the P4 will always feel more responsive. Threading means that no matter what there is a always a spare clock cycle or two ready for input. It's not the same as REAL dual CPU or better yet QUAD CPU setups but it sure feels close :)

Also don't confuse threading and hyper-threading. No app can really be hyperthreading optimised per se. They can just be thread-aware or not (as the Quake3Arena engine is). Hyper-Threading just virtualises two CPU's from the original CPU (Virt. CPU 1) and what was originally HLT (Halt CPU activity for cooling) instructions on spare clock cycles (now Virt CPU 2). This is how the P4 always feels more ready for user input.

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Active member
achiles said:
my 2500xp is not fsb locked but my next door neighbor's 2500 which is a 39 week one is locked. A lot of ppl got the week 38 and under cpu but anyone above is pretty much done for at least on the 2500 xp.


All that link shows is that AthlonXPs are multiplier locked, and they are after week 38 which is true. This is NOT the same as FSB locked. I have stated this and you have not understood. You can modify the FSB on any multiplier locked 2500+.
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New member
Clements said:
Anyway, NONE of the [very old now] benchmarks you posted took Athlon64 into account whatsoever, all that shows is that P4s are faster than AthlonXPs which I already stated myself in the thread earlier.

Yeah I mentioned that you did;)


New member
Clements said:
All that link shows is that AthlonXPs are multiplier locked, and they are after week 38 which is true. This is NOT the same as FSB locked. I have stated this and you have not understood. You can modify the FSB on any multiplier locked 2500+.

Ill give in on the athlon seeing as I have a 2500xp that is unlocked maybe my bud's bios is fsb locked, so you won, but what about your statement about intel cpus WILL BE LOCKED coment, you act like you work there or something.

If there is something I have learned from cpu makers is never to believe on them until a product is out. I have sent you the link and you didnt comment on it.
