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Athlon 64 & Pentium 4

AP Raul

Anyone have these 800mhz FSB processors? How well do they work with Chankast? I am a AMD type of guy, so I would like to think the the Athlon outperforms the Pentium.


Man on a mission
You'd be right in the case of Chankast. The developers use AMD and it's optimised for AMD. BTW I've a P4 and it runs really well on my box.


New member
BTW Athlon64 FSB is 1600Mhz... Some guys on this forum have them - working really fine...
You'd be right in the case of Chankast. The developers use AMD and it's optimised for AMD
Or maybe them just not optimized it for P4 ;) I don`t think what Chanka have optimizations for Athlon - what kind of optimization it could be? - 3DNow+ isn`t using.
Maybe its because of Athlons FPUs...


(when dream come true)
please guys, don't start a new intel/amd war... yes chankast has better results with amd cpu (i think we all know that now...), anyway i'm fine with my p4 based system whatever it could be said...
AP Raul

AP Raul

The Athlon 64 is 1600MHZ???!!!! Is that the FX version? That surpases the G5 and makes it the fastest CPU in the world.


New member
AP Raul said:
Anyone have these 800mhz FSB processors? How well do they work with Chankast? I am a AMD type of guy, so I would like to think the the Athlon outperforms the Pentium.

Are you only here for flaming? Because if you want realistic results go to Toms Hardware and many other PROFESSIONAL benchmarktesters..... You'll see that P4 800fsb normally outperforms an AMD, but outperforming is a big word since the differences are almost not worth mentioning.

AMD wins the price performence "any day" and when it was because of the money I would have bought an AMD but since I work with multiple aplications at once (multitasking) P4 performence is alot better plus more stable(very important), that's why most servers have P4 as well as all the graphical working companies that have besides MAC (which is the best in performance for working with graphics) often a P4 to do some things on for smaller customers....

So asside for hobby use(games, movies, downloading, chatting) most would never think of taking a AMD. Yes I am a professional user so I would buy a P4 over AMD any day when it comes for doing my work.... If I would buy a second pc just for my hobbies then I would be nuts paying too much for a P4...
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Heinster said:
You'll see that P4 800fsb normally outperforms an AMD

Hate to think that i'm causing a flame war, but the Athlon 64s have been outperforming the Pentium 4s since the release nearly a year ago.

Alright, you may mention the 3.2 GHz P4 Extreme which is twice the price of most of the highest performance Athlon 64s, the Athlon 64 3200+ nearly matches it's peformance in 32 bit alone, not to mention the FX series, the 3400+ and the 3800+ which also beat the p4's peformence in 32 bit mode.

When it comes to the AMD 64 cpus, you can't really compare them to the p4s at the moment, because they aint running to their full potential until Windows XP 64 comes out.

Don't get me wrong, in 32 bit cpus Intel are on top, but at present, AMD do have the fastest PC CPUs out. I believe when Intel release their AMD64 based processors, the competition will be tough.


New member
2 AP Raul
Yes, A64 have 1600Mhz FSB... It have memory controller inside, instead of North bridge of MB...
2 DarthDazDC
Nope, only P4 what can beat A64 is Extreme Edition sample(~800$ cost) You can buy A64 3200+ - its have the same speed as Northwood P4 3.2Ghz ones and sometimes faster...
When it comes to the AMD 64 cpus, you can't really compare them to the p4s at the moment, because they aint running to their full potential until Windows XP 64 comes out.
Yeah... But their performance in 32Bit application can be compared to P4...


That would still be quite unfair as seeing as they are made for 64-bit, and thus probably better in the 64-bit apartment rather than the 32-bit. Plus the 64-bit ones has a higher price tag.

And we're pretty much straying off the main topic for the argument over the processors.


Active member
In the stuff I've seen, the Pentium 4s get beaten by Athlon64's everytime, and they are cheaper, even in 32-Bit, in gaming benchmarks. Even the Extreme Editions get slaughtered. Just look on any benchmark site. Intel are in trouble.


Active member
So what? You're willing to pay $300 more for a slower processor? Look at the prices on Pricewatch - Extreme Editions are nearly $1000. Not so good now, eh?


An Alright Guy
i paid £181 for the 3.2 processor and if i was to buy an fx-53 it would cost me double of what i bought the 3.2 for


Active member
3.2GHz Northwood is positively low-end compared to Athlon64s, so no wonder it's cheap. Prices are exponential so you need to pay big £ if you want that extra performance. I'm simply stating the following:

1. The Extreme Editions are a complete watse of money and are easily out-performed by much cheaper processors.

2. P4s are not faster than Athlon64s at their competitive price point.

I can keep posting more gaming benchies of P4s being completely anihilated by Athlon64s:


New member
Clements said:
3.2GHz Northwood is positively low-end compared to Athlon64s, so no wonder it's cheap. Prices are exponential so you need to pay big £ if you want that extra performance. I'm simply stating the following:

1. The Extreme Editions are a complete watse of money and are easily out-performed by much cheaper processors.

2. P4s are not faster than Athlon64s at their competitive price point.

I can keep posting more gaming benchies of P4s being completely anihilated by Athlon64s:

you notice how only one of the athlon xp are on that benchmark not even a 3200 made it to the benchmark p4 3.2 1mb $277.00 athlon 3200+ $190.00 plus the 3200 after week 51 are fsb locked the p4 are not. any high cpu is a waste of money they are just hype. (uhhh I got 2 fps faster than you uhhh awesome Iam broke but Iam faster uhh) athlon 64 3200 is $286.00 and 2fps faster. Another issue is overclocking, but Iam not getting into that.
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Active member
You must mean multiplier locked, not FSB locked. Athlon64s can be FSB overclocked very effectively, with people overclocking 3200+ to 3700+. They didn't put AthlonXPs on since this is a Athlon64 Vs P4 benchmark, and the 3000+ is just for comparison. AthlonXPs are weaker than P4s but are much cheaper.

Future Pentiums will be FSB locked though, read the lastest Anandtech articles for information on this (this will displease o/cers as only 10% o/c is achieveable)

achiles said:
any high cpu is a waste of money they are just hype. (uhhh I got 2 fps faster than you uhhh awesome Iam broke but Iam faster uhh)

There are people who want the best and buy the best, and Athlon64s are the best as I've shown in six different benchmarks. I personally can't afford one either, but if I had the money, I'd buy an Athlon64, since they are faster.
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An Alright Guy
after reading many benchmarks i do agree with this, but i dont want to spend £500+ foir a processor that will only perform around 5 frames more


New member
Clements said:
You must mean multiplier locked, not FSB locked. Athlon64s can be FSB overclocked very effectively, with people overclocking 3200+ to 3700+. They didn't put AthlonXPs on since this is a Athlon64 Vs P4 benchmark, and the 3000+ is just for comparison. AthlonXPs are weaker than P4s but are much cheaper.

Future Pentiums will be FSB locked though, read the lastest Anandtech articles for information on this (this will displease o/cers as only 10% o/c is achieveable)

There are people who want the best and buy the best, and Athlon64s are the best as I've shown in six different benchmarks. I personally can't afford one either, but if I had the money, I'd buy an Athlon64, since they are faster.

I take predictions or statements about a company production plan with a grain of salt I only base my knowledge on know facts. If I went by what someone said a company is gonna do with their products especially a cpu company then i would go crazy. (new cpu canceled heres a new one, now wait some more) it is all a game to them. oh and I meant the xp where fsb locked not the athlons 64.
