What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

The Help Thread (Djipi's and also Federelli's packs)


New member
Do you mean the Cell shaded one? If that's the case I'd rather run the original OOT without a pack. Not that the work is bad, just that I hate cell shaded Zelda's.


New member
I think I will actually, I don't want to judge work before I actually see it so...

(PS: Sorry about the post Djipi, in wasn't meant as offense just that I had a bad experience with Wind Waker.)


This Is A Custon User Title :p
Nope, didn't say with concrete that packs are finished, just that i had a quick scan and noticed that Djipi's was on final release...


New member
I wrote this on my own thread but I realized this should be the place to put it...

I just installed the Djipi Celda Pack and I really like it but there are some issues. First of all I use Glide 64 as my main video plugin as Rice has an error where there are weird edges on the screen. Anyway my main issues are

1) The magic meter doesn't quite load right. For some odd reason the green meter part (that moves when you use or get magic) isn't quite lined up with the frame.

2) The world map in the subscreen has a lined grid over it.

And a less important issue...

The logo doesn't load right either in the intro, there seems to be a piece from the tip of the sword right next to the actual tip.

Any suggestions?

I can't post screens for some odd reason though so.....


This Is A Custon User Title :p
what emulator do you use? i use Project64, with rices video plugin though, depending on what game it is, i will switch between rice, glide and Jabos,

Also, Your graphics card could be playing a part. the only game i have trouble with the displays are Perfect darks spycam, fixed using the glide plugin


New member
I use PJ64 1.6 with glide napalm 1.22. I solved the issue though. I ended up having to edit the textures for the magic meter and replacing the logo, map, and hearts with those from Federelli's hires pack. It all works seamlessly now so I'm done messing with it.


New member
Right, so, I just somewhat recently discovered all this high res texture stuff. I spent several hours mixing and matching different texture packs to my liking, and everything works great.

Well, except for most of the textures in the HD Community Retexture Project. Most of these textures look fantastic, but they are of a higher resolution than the other texture packs. For example, a certain wall in the other packs would be 256x256, whereas in the CRP pack it would be 512x512.

For whatever reason, these textures will not load. I can edit them and resize them, and they will work, but if there's transparency in the texture, paintshop shows them very distorted and I can't do anything with them. And mode7's skyboxes, which are especially amazing, would simply take hours to resize every piece.

I haven't seen anyone else state a problem like this, so is there something I'm doing wrong? A setting that's off, perhaps?

I'm using PJ64 1.6, my computer is running on Vista SP2. 3 gigs of RAM, 2.4ghz dual processor. Don't think the problem is in horsepower. Any help is much appreciated.


Well, except for most of the textures in the HD Community Retexture Project. Most of these textures look fantastic, but they are of a higher resolution than the other texture packs. For example, a certain wall in the other packs would be 256x256, whereas in the CRP pack it would be 512x512.

For whatever reason, these textures will not load.

Most probably the reason for that is that you are using an outdated version of Rice. Have a look into the Aristotle thread (stickies) in the plugin forum. There you will find a version (I think it's v6.1.9) which supports textures till 128x the original size. This should solve your problem.


New member
Hmm. Yea, I've been using v6.1.1 beta 10, so it seems like that could very well be the problem. However, I did as you suggested and got 6.1.9, and it works, but when I check "load hi res textures if possible" it goes through the loading process, then crashes. It names ntdll.dll in the details, if that helps. Not sure what the problem is.

EDIT: Alright, so after swapping some textures around, I figured out that it will load the game fine, but as soon as you're about to see a replaced texture, it crashes. Also, to clarify, all I did to install the plugin was put the "plugin directory" contents in the plugin folder, and the "emulator directory" contents in the pj64 folder. There was no readme in the download, so if there's another part to the installation, I'm unaware of it.

EDIT 2: Alright, so I went down to 6.1.8, then 6.1.6, and finally to 6.1.4 (which is the last one before Aristotle, if I'm not mistaken). 6.1.4 works, AND loads the bigger textures I wanted, so it's all good. Thanks for your help.
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However, I did as you suggested and got 6.1.9, and it works, but when I check "load hi res textures if possible" it goes through the loading process, then crashes. It names ntdll.dll in the details, if that helps. Not sure what the problem is.
It seems like you are using Windows Vista. There is a bug that causes these crashes in later versions. I have provided a fix for that but so far nobody has compiled it. I can't compile it currently as I don't have access to an IDE atm.

But anyway, great to hear that you found a working version. Besides that, I think that v6.1.4 just displays textures till 8x. The community pack contains textures with a larger size. These won't be displayed most probably.


Where are the files to compile the plugin? I can try doing it for you since I need this fix as well.

Should be that archive.

The corresponding post is here.

Inform me if it doesn't solve your problem.

Please also have a look into the function FindScaleFactor(ExtTxtrInfo &info, TxtrCacheEntry &entry) in TextureFilters.cpp before compiling to determine if this version supports hires with more than 8x the original size. Should be self-explaining. If not, contact me.

If you are skilled enough you could even add the change to the latest source of the Aristotle version of Rice and compile it. This source you will find here.
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New member
Well, it compiled and the TextureFilters.cpp you asked me to look showed that it had up to x16 texture sizes.

However, when I try to run the emulator, it loads up all the textures fine, but then it yells at me for not being able to start DX8.
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New member
Well, I had it installed already (ran the installer just to be sure) and it still was giving me crap about DX8.

I can't seem to upload the DLL I compiled either...


Yeah, attachment upload isn't working in that forum anymore. You have to use a file hosting website like Megaupload.

I don't know about what to do with your DX8 problem. Is it installed on your system? I actually don't know if it is necessary as newer versions should be downwards compatible. But it might be worth a try...


New member
Well, I'm running Win7, not vista. The regular 6.1.4 plugin works just fine, though. Maybe I missed a setting on my compile? I had to choose the ReleaseDX9 and DebugDX9 options. The other two need the DX8 SDK, I'm assuming, because it gave me the "can't find d3d8x.h error"

Here's a link to the compiled DLL's


Update: It only gives me the DirectX 8 error message when I turn on anti-aliasing.
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