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Project64’s Future (donations and v1.7 beta development)



Emulator Developer
SlimickGamer said:
Is there a limit over the $20 dollars donation?
It is a donation, you can donate as much as little or much as like, we just decided that any one donating $20 or more gets access to the beta work we are doing.


Emutalk Member
yes the site is currently down or replaced by an offensive msg, we're waiting for Martin to finish putting it back (hopefully).

on a side note.. can't these $$^% political mother $%£^%^%$^ go and $£$% do their £$%$^ someplace £$$%$ else. £$££3"
they are so $££"$% lame.
look.. $%^%^ do I look interested in your msg? you are not winning any hearts and minds here.

/rant over.
eh sorry.. sorry Martin aswell.
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Emutalk Member
squall_leonhart said:
to bad we have no counter hackers on the forums...

we could get em back..

i thought for a moment you wanted someone to adjust the hit counter or something..
no. we do not want any kind of illegal response. what would be good is if someone knew how they are doing this so we can be sure of it not happening again.. if anyone is aware of any particular exploits that would affect the software running on the emu64 servers and has some advice can you contact martin in Efnet #emulation64, thanks. a long shot eh.


The Great Gunblade Wielder
update to the latest versions of


Also, secure your cpanel by changing the password, and remove any stagnant ftp accounts, increase security by changing the password, and mixing in some numbers.

are they injected data into the html file, or getting onto the ftp itself?

hmm i went onto that irc channel but no ones on...

nvm.. had to change server :p
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New member
So how's the beta comming along? I don't have my Xbox controller so I'm kinda stuck for awhile (at school).

I can't wait for online play, I'll die of happiness.


No, not done for a long while yet last time I checked. No online play either, when I looked last. There are more pressing matters.


New member
I have the beta, I obviously didn't read the readme or whatnot. I'm just so very excited for it. It will be like old time, eh chaps?

OMFG, nice monitor, I was thinking about getting the 22" Acer, how much did that one set you back?


New member
Haven't reciewed login information for Donation

Hello there, I haven't reciewed login information for Donations yet !!!
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New member
I have donated $20 and still haven't received an email

It has been 30 hours now since I made a donation of $20 and I have heard nothing...


Emulator Developer

Most accounts are created with no problems the same day as you donate, if you are having an issue please wait at least one additional business day. If you are still having a problem please send a copy of your receipt from paypal to zilmar on emutalk and we can try to work out what happened. We would appreciate if people did not post in a public forum immediately if they are having issues, again patience is key.
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Emulator Developer
I am sorry for all the problems it seems to have been a couple of issue. I have been away for a couple of days which has impounded the issue of me not being able to get on top of it quickly. It seems like there was an issue with the server not sending out emails (or just not quickly, big queue). The second one is that other then the email goes out it is being rejected/stopped getting to the end. I have re-created all the recent inactivated accounts, got what the email should have been and resent it via my own ISP. So you should have an email now (please also check your spam folder). If not please tell me and I will fix the issue.

Sorry again about all the problems



New member
Not posted on here much but I have just donated so i`m just waiting for my PJ64 1.7 and i will donate more in the future as the emulator gets even better ... keep up the good work

Edited ....

Ack this is my firts post and edit LMAO :D
