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Ooooo new emutalk logo!

Redah said:
[yealous-yet-being-right mode]
Yeah you're all gonna vote for some D.O.U.G. logo again. But face it, they do NOT fit the site! His logos are (no offence) always very crowded, and way, way to flashy. Sure, they're nice on their own. They're nice if used as signature. But not as logo. What's the first rule in the 'create-a-logo' book? That's right, KEEP IT SIMPLE. Everyone who ever worked in or with graphimedia knows this.
[/yealous-yet-being-right mode]

hmmm. i guess someone has something against my logos. :cry: :p ;)
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Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
One thing I don't like about EmuTalk, is when you quote someone that has a quote in their post, it only shows what the person wrote, and not their quote. Could this be changed so when you quote someone all their quotes are shown as well (if that makes any sense)?


Go Sweden! Not!
[d.o.u.g] said:
thanks. :blush: :colgate:

They're not talking about you! They're saying they actually do like my logo.

*puts d.o.u.g. with feet back on ground*


Active member
Raging Fuel said:
One thing I don't like about EmuTalk, is when you quote someone that has a quote in their post, it only shows what the person wrote, and not their quote. Could this be changed so when you quote someone all their quotes are shown as well (if that makes any sense)?

Yeah, hmm...will look it up. :)
