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Nintendo DS Lite


Dragony thingy
The DS shall defeat you with its awesome power.

DS Lite will surely boost sales tremendously, especially if it is sold at a lower price, or heralds a DS price drop.

Lookin' forward to it.


Shadow's Secret Clone
I love the Nintendo DS, the possibilities for he games goes to a newer level then the PSP. Namely, as said almost everywhere, the touch screen.

The Touch screen adds a whole new level to the gaming industry, since the only place I have ever been able to play touch-screen games is on the Mastergames in the bars at some restaurants.

I was thinking about getting a PSP until I played "Warioware Touched!" and "Trauma Center: Under The Knife". And ther is that AI game that I can't remember that I want.

Then again... I need to get my own DS and the DS Lite will cause LOWER PRICES $$$$!!!!


Dragony thingy
Jaz said:
Tag's back!! :D

I would've been idling in IRC between then and now, but my secondary hard drive crashed, and it has all my mIRC settings on it.

Which I haven't backed up.

And it was an IBM Deathstar hard drive.. GG

Edit: Wait, people are happy to see me back? :flowers:


Well fine i admit the games are cooler. I don't see whats so special about the touch screen. I mean it's prezent on all small mobile devices and looks nice on a handheld but it really doesen't make a difference in gameplay. Acctualy it would only make me mad.


Active member
Doesn't make a difference in gameplay? There have been some rather novel titles to take advantage of it - Nintendogs, Kirby's Canvas Curse, etc.


Graphics Designer
Blacklord said:
Well fine i admit the games are cooler. I don't see whats so special about the touch screen. I mean it's prezent on all small mobile devices and looks nice on a handheld but it really doesen't make a difference in gameplay. Acctualy it would only make me mad.
Although the technology is common, it's rarely (If at all..) been applied to gaming before. It also allows the developers to get a bit more creative when they're designing software for it.


New member
Tagrineth said:
Wait, people are happy to see me back? :flowers:

Yes we are.

For the ppl discussing DS features, let´s not forget the built in mic and the sole fact that it has 2 independent screens, in my opinion (after playing sk8land) any game possible on PSP is possible on DS with some or no graphic compromise, the other way around does not exist.
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Active member
It does look a lot slimmer than the regular DS, which is my main issue with the original. It's just a little too big to feel comfy in the hands.

Nicely done Nintendo. :)


Martin said:
It does look a lot slimmer than the regular DS.

Some nice new pics from Lik Sang.




Screen looks nice and bright, too. :)



Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
Man if lik-sang wasn't already on back order and I had been paid this week, I would have one on the way to my house. That thing is 10 kinds of pure sexy, and Metroid Hunters is coming out soon. There's so much awesome for the DS right now it's painful not to own one.


Hexidecimal said:
Man if lik-sang wasn't already on back order and I had been paid this week.

Yeah the Lik-Sang back-order is a pain in the ass, or else I would of ordered one this week for sure.

Just sold the PSP.


Shadow's Secret Clone
You can totally see this coming off of Nintendo in Japan:

Nintendo said:
Muahahahahahaha!!!! yet another convert from the PSP fan base. Our plan for the "Japanese world takeover" will finally come into play!!!

I saw this coming!!! I knew that the Japan would take us over! Repent now the end is nigh!!!


Blacklord said:
Well fine i admit the games are cooler. I don't see whats so special about the touch screen. I mean it's prezent on all small mobile devices and looks nice on a handheld but it really doesen't make a difference in gameplay. Acctualy it would only make me mad.

Try some of the exclusive games that make use of it before making silly remarks like that. What's so special about it? Other than it adds a lot to the experience in certain games, it's also very easy, quick, natural and fun to use - for anyone at all. I know people who've never been able to play regular games but hey, give them a touch screen and suddenly it works.

"Doesn't make a difference in gameplay?"

*pause for laughter*

Warioware without the mic/touch screen would be just another game. Games like Polarium would frankly be a pain without it. People wouldn't get so into things like Nintendogs without it. Electroplankton would be awkward and less immediate. Animal Crossing benefits hugely from it since it allows you to draw. Pico-chat would be impossible without it. Things as simple and purely fun as the Mario catapult minigame would never be close to as enjoyable without it. Something as basic as aiming in Metroid is far far more workable than anything that silly `nub` thing on the PSP has been able to do. Hell in a lot of cases, it's simply more involving.

Why is it special? It makes unique games more likely to be created. It makes unique games more possible. It makes unique games more playable. What other reason do you need?
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