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Luigis mansion is working in beta3 BUT...


I use a fairly recent revision, the latest one (about a week or two ago) didn't even work for me, so far as getting the emulator to work.

Hm, odd. DirectX 9 library and graphics card drivers at their newest?
If those aren't the problem I'm not sure, try checking with the guys who actually work on the emulator.


Voted Least Likely to Succeed
If people still have questions then why?
Not as if there are loads of topics just itching to take its place...
Because it was a thread dead since March until Phazonaddict necroposted with a random comment. People have tried to bring it back on topic, but Dolphin has since made a leap and a bound past the stage it was at when the thread was made. Best to just make a new thread.
