i need some help i have the adobe photoshop7.0 and i have HighResEaser_v1.4
butt its say i dont have the right kind of doc
To be able to help you there, you have to explain your problem a little more in detail & provide the information I requested in my last post.1 qeustion i get the HighResEaser v1.4 workig only i cant get the marked file work
it works got now marked textures butt how can i writh a the texture nummbers when the game is playing
Thanks! I was using Mudlord's Rice 6.1.4 in the screenshot. Then I tried the latest Aristole plugin, and got the same result. For some reason I can't upload anything..
Ok I downloaded this and took a look. Basically there were two problems.
1. Textures are misaligned
2. Textures not showing up at all
This is how I fixed it and what I think is the cause:
1. Easy, Just aligned the textures by hand in Photoshop. just drag it to the boarder.
I think this has something to do with how Hires-Easer selects the slices. Photoshop screws up the selection when there are rows or collumns of pixels which are completely transparent. I got a similar problem wehen I wanted to do the hires Zelda logo.
I don't know if it's easy to fix this...
2. This was harder to figure out. I redumped the menu and found out that these 5 tiles have a resolution of 48x32 and not 64x32 like the others. But the ones by hires easer have a resolution of 132x128 and not the correct size 192x128 nor the size of the others which would be 256x128, this is still a mystery to me.
I enlarged the canvas to 192x128 and voila, it worked, still there's something missing from the original tile as it is too big.
Anyway there's the fixed Version:
Yeah, I'll take a look into under which circumstances the misalignment happens.
I'll post if i find something
Ok I first thought the problem is the transparency of the original tiles. So I removed the tiles and replaced them by solid ones (the _rgb textures).
So the selection set in the original has to be perfectly alright.
What I got, you can see on the screen. Note that all tiles have the right size (640x24) the only problem is that they are misaligned in a, as far as I can tell, random manner. Note that the first and last textures are shiftet a bit higher or lower so the gap appears.
Obviously the transparency in the hires layer is what causes these kind of problems. Still, I can't figure out what causes this misalignment....