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Half-Life 2 Stutter problem exposed...(video)



Someone posted the above video on the forums so that people could see just what we're talking about when we mention the stutter in HL2. I figured a few of you - either fellow patch-waiters looking for company or people who actually want to understand the issue - might like to have a look at it. This is in the earliest part of the game, on a decent system, with not much going on. Believe me this is *nothing* compared to how unplayable it gets in City 17 later on, but its an example.


New member
That video is ancient...

Anyhow, that stuttering is indeed nothing. I experience it much worse usually. Lately it has improved a lot though, could be because I am playing indoor in a small enviroment now (Nova Prospekt).


Nova Prospekt will be where you'll find out how bad it can get. I had it fairly annoyingly through the "break in" with the antlions, but most people agree that right around the end of that level (I don't want to spoil it by giving away certain scenes) is where the real trouble starts. After that, City 17 then just becomes a horrible nightmare and is where most people just give up with the game.
I heard amazon and others who don't usually accept software returns are doing so for HL2, probably because the bug is becoming pretty well publicised now. Kinda sad for such a potentially great game, but then it really shouldn't have gone out in this state.


Nintendo Zealot
Agreed. I'm about to give up myself; it's becoming extremely annoying. By extremely, I mean even moreso than that nublindwhatever "I ask a simple kestion" dude. :p


"Half-Life 2 Stutter Bug: More Annoying Than A N00B Asking For ROMz."
Valve could make it a slogan.


The funny thing? That'd still be less intrusive than Steam combined with DVD check. ;)


the old guy
on guru3d forums there is a thread about how to fix a lot of problems with halflife2 esp. for nvidia users. dont know if it will help you though. i havent played it.


Emutalk Member
stutters like no tomorrow here too, and my system is no slouch
the image in my sig isn't nearly as annoying as this damn stuttering
"next chankast when?" :D :D :) :p ;)


Man on a mission
DuDe said:
I do believe that we get the point.

Agreed and a rather pointless one at that. I've experienced no stutter at all since I set my heapsize accordingly, the patches have only improved my framerate.

I realise that this IS an issue for some people, but frankly, unless you're warezing Half Life 2, you really should be looking and posting @ Steampowered forums. There are a great many solutions to this problem there. Of course I realise that they won't ALL apply but you'll be a darn sighb closer to finding a SOLUTION there.

Otherwise the oroginal post just sounds like whining as the issue demonstrated in that old video has already been resolved with a patch (deployed within a week of the game's initial release).


Actually it hasn't. Three weeks and counting and thousands of people still can't play the game. I'm not here for a solution because that's beyond the scope of this place, as apparently is understanding. Do I want people to be aware of exactly how bad it is? Yes. Is this a gaming forum? Yes. Therefore, relevant. No one is forcing you to read the thread after all.


New member
To be fair to Stalkid, I've checked the Steampowered forums several times and the amount of trouble it's causing some people is amazing. Course the people who whine will be heard the loudest; but surely not even the staunchest of Steam advocates can say it is a perfect system without flaws?


You've never encountered "The Valve UberFanboys"[t.m.] then. ;) They'd argue that everyone else in the world except them is wrong if they thought you were questioning the Word of Valve. Which on the plus side is extremely hilarious at least.


Active member
Although I was lucky enough to avoid problems with HL2, I do believe this will be the last title I buy from VALVe. Also, I don't like the direction they're headed with the whole "WE WILL CONTROL YOU" attitude of Steam and "activation" - while developers and publishers have the right to protect their interests and turn a profit for their work, the consumer also has rights - if they don't like having to pop in a CD/DVD, so be it. When a corporation takes protecting their interests too far and infringes on the rights of the consumer, it's just not good business ethic. Also, what happens when Steam is no more? Do you just lose your right (which you purchased) to use your products? I highly doubt VAVLVe will issue patches to remove the Steam and activation crap if they go under.

For an example of a better behaving company/publisher, look at Epic / Atari for the Unreal Tournament series. The UT2003 edition didn't get the no-CD in an official patch until the last retail patch came out (v2225), but they wouldn't blacklist you if you went online using a no-CD crack before this. UT2004 got it in the FIRST official patch - I think this shows amazing attitude on the behalf of the developer and/or publisher. Sure, they might lose money for those who get a keygen, but since the people can't do online play (unless it's on a cracked server) then they don't get the full enjoyment of the game. However the legal consumers enjoy a great game and less hassle, which means they have incentive to buy from them in the future.


Man on a mission
Seth, I agree with you on the vagaries of Steam and VALVe's paranoid protectionism BUT quoting ATARI (who are actualy the bloodsucking vampire stalinist regime known as Infogrames) as an example of a decent publisher is patently laughable. The real reasons why the NO-CD patch was introduced for UT2K4 were threefold:-

1. UT2K4 was essentially a full implimentation of the bungled release of UT2K3. EPIC even stated themselves, that it was basically just an expansion and "gaming issues" (read : crappy weapons and HUGE bugs removed/replaced) fix, furthermore the inclusion of the UT2K3 and 2K4 startup sequences as a demo files (as part of first BONUS pack) and UnrealTV (which was originally a touted but dropped UT2K3 feature) - meant that they finally added things that should've been there in the first place. The blame lies solely with ATARI for this.

2. In classic Infogrames style they milked it for all the could, so much so that the game had already payed for itself almot 3 times over. All the "for the community" BS (including the Bonus Packs) was just that. ATARI/INFOGRAMES basically turned the game over to the public because they could easily afford too.

3. needed a stellar title from which they could relaunch renamed as ATARA

Infogrames are just evil and it's really sad to that they bought the ATARI name. It makes them seem a lot connected and friendly.

Please understand I love EPIC but hate ATARI.


Emutalk Member
aye i hate infogrames too, their name is so fucking weird.
lately some textures in CS: Source are rendering completly black unless I use the flash light, wtf


New member
sheik124 said:
aye i hate infogrames too, their name is so fucking weird.
lately some textures in CS: Source are rendering completly black unless I use the flash light, wtf
Sounds like Doom 3 mode or something ;)
