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Guess who does it again... :(


New member
Neither am I. It is quite sad that someone tries that hard to get attention/affection/admiration/whatever from other people by methods like this. And even more sad is that this was repeated at least once :(
I hope Zero, P.O.K.A.Z. or whatever the name is finds a way to get a life. Seriously. Cause trying to get one on the Internet is hopeless.


New member
He's an arse. Why does he continue to do stupid things like this? Seriously he must need the help of a good shrink or something, to try to fake something once and to create a big facade (ie my brother died in an accident) is disturbing, to do it twice (this time faking chat logs etc) is even more so.

I should add that there is no 100% cast iron proof that this emulator is fake, but I can say it's a fairly good bet that it is :)


Mr. Super Clever
Let me take a wild stab....he hacked it then said it was his. Can't he be banned from the entire scene or something:doh:


New member
A ban from breathing oxygen would be better in this morons case. You can see why he posted that thread as a:

Is this fake, kinda thread. He wanted others to see if they could spot it was a blatent resource hack - if they didn't, he would continue with the charade.


Mr. Super Clever
Why can't people like him just f*ck off and leave the scene. We don't need retards around, I hope they ban him from there.


New member

I have a headache now. This quote is the clincher, concerning his previous episode:

Well that was a test for the emulation scene , to see how fast they could spot a fake emu. And they didn't discover it fast enough IMO so I made the story more unbelievable each time.

Ugh. Someone toss me an aspirin...

...or a blunt object. :doh:


Emu64 Staff
For fuck's sake, the guy just won't call it quits... Oh well, at least he's not posting any of his shit on Emutalk (well, he can't, duh), so at least our community isn't getting littered by his lame existense anymore...


Philosopher Warrior
well he might be a fake but check out MY new n64 emulator. there are a bit of bugs to work out (like the bleeding red line) but that should be cleared up soon.

anyway take a look at triforce 64 emu


Tri-Force said:
well he might be a fake but check out MY new n64 emulator. there are a bit of bugs to work out (like the bleeding red line) but that should be cleared up soon.

anyway take a look at triforce 64 emu



New member
Tri-Force said:
well he might be a fake but check out MY new n64 emulator. there are a bit of bugs to work out (like the bleeding red line) but that should be cleared up soon.

anyway take a look at triforce 64 emu

keep up the good work. :p
can it play tooie? :p

/me leeches triforce 64 from Tri-Force his pc :p


What's that...?
dayve said:
Hey, I'm a bit thick, can someone let me in on his past?

Zero (or whatever his new name is on NGEMU) released a hack of an GB emulator a while back called GBx Player. I can't remember which emu it was a hack of. Anyways, it was total bullshit, when someone figured it out he made up some story about how his brother died and that someone released a fake emu with the same name as his. This was also bullshit. The whole story is bullshit, and basically this is some lame arse who is looking for attention and respect. however, although he may be gettin attention, he is gettin no respect.

/me grabs his trout


N64 Newbie
Tri-Force said:
well he might be a fake but check out MY new n64 emulator. there are a bit of bugs to work out (like the bleeding red line) but that should be cleared up soon.

anyway take a look at triforce 64 emu

(-_-)zzz ... (@_@).... d=(^o^)=b .... (p_-) ... (*_*)
