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gameOS question

Knuckles said:
oh god.. this timmyhawky guy is getting annoying.

Please, stop asking every damn question that goes by your head, learn english and calm down in your posts. Learn to do structured posts!

If you want to play a certain console N64 or higher, either BUY a NEW PC or get the console itself! There's nothing else that will help.

ok i will try 2 better my english, but i don't have the money 2 buy new parts.
and there is a little change of bettering my specs: old parts of school pc's


New member
For a start GameOs will improve ya speed if your lucky by about 5%(10%) at the most due to no app's running,Some people get better speeds and some don't i use this and do get a great speed improvement(but i am using a better spec pc's for emulation).

The fact that u running such a slow machine i don't think you going to get any of the games to work at full speed apart from some games in corn(and i think thats pushing it.)

Just take the fact that you need a faster machine and there's nothing else anyone can do or help to make this happen.

Good look in trying to make n64 run on ya machine.
