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there is a good chance this singing guy visiting gitmo didnt get to see quite everything, dont you think? i think the story of someone who was there weighs a little more than this, while obviously it might be exegerated.

Or perhaps the story from someone who was there is complete and utter bullshit from someone who is a hater of the west? I don't buy all this shit about them being in Afghanistan doing a computer course etc They were caught on the battlefield fighting against Western troops.

iirc the red cross presence didnt get there by itself but was established after international outrage (even mr. blair noticed).

A good thing then.

right back atcha...you choose to take what that page says for granted without a sign of doubt.

To be fair, it seems like you have said Vamps stuff is wrong for no reason other than it doesn't side with your version of events. The testimony of one person who was there doesn't mean jackshit when it is clearly obvious he could be lying from his traitorish arse ;)

Worth remembering btw, that sensationalism wins you interviews and gains you cash. If this person came out and said, they were treated well, then to be fair the anti-US media wouldn't really want to pay for that story.

Course he could be telling the truth... not a source you can trust 100% though for inpartiality.


Mr. Super Clever
Why the fuck would anybody with half a brain be backpacking across afganistan on the eve of a attack by the United States military.


Mr. Super Clever
Course he could be telling the truth... not a source you can trust 100% though for inpartiality.

Come on Trotter the guy is a afganistan computer expert, how could you not trust him? ;)


New member
vampireuk said:
So even though there is a red cross presence there it doesn't count because they didn't get a pink invitation card with frilly edges?

the fact that there had to be pressure before the red cross was even allowed to step in there shows quite a lot.

And there is a good chance that the guy who was arrested is full of shit and making everything up.

true, the source is biased. then again the singing guy who was shown around by the military isnt a really trustworthy source either. i expect the testimony of the guy who was held there to be at least exegerated.

As for lawyers, fuck em. The detained have valuble military intelligence that could be lost if they get the chance to talk to legal representation. Until all information that can be extracted from them is removed they should not be given any legal aid of any sort, once they are finished simply shoot them in the head and turn their rotting flesh into fertilizer. :cool:

i dont think that deserves a comment. :p

Edit: also if you don't have much time for research then why don't you spend the time you spend posting your arguments researching first, then post a rebuttal.

simple: i couldnt be arsed. i asked what you are talking about and you told me why. problem solved, hmm?


Mr. Super Clever
Then why argue so vehemently if you are not fully up to date and aware of what was and is going on there?


New member
the fact that ive missed a single news event doesnt invalidate my entire argument. i have shown facts indicating that there was (maybe is) abuse on guantanamo. you have made a good point saying that it has improved, though i think that improvement wouldnt have been there without international pressure. i still stand by my point that the detainees having no access to legal assistance is disturbing and undemocratic. as usual im playing the devils advocate here, but we need to seriously ask ourselves the question if we should selectively apply our legal systems depending on the situation.
