What's new

DuckStation dev.0.1-4416

DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices.


Latest changes:
Qt/MemoryCardEditor: Support undeleting files (Connor McLaughlin)
e7eb182: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2312
b910794: Atualização Português do Brasil (Anderson_Cardoso) #2313
Fix incorrect format string (Connor McLaughlin)
Add translation sources (Connor McLaughlin)
Add padtest (Connor McLaughlin)
1a18e3c: Update README.md (Connor McLaughlin)
8e80ba6: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2314
8801623: Update values-ru/strings to latest (6lackmag3) #2323
944d167: Update values-ru/arrays to latest (6lackmag3) #2322
06b009f: Warning fixes (Connor McLaughlin)
Don't try to preload multi-disc images (Connor McLaughlin)
af44e77: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2333
aa6bb96: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2333
1096376: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2333
b7f583d: GPU/Vulkan: Update VK_EXT_debug_report to VK_EXT_debug_utils (Wunkolo) #2336
413f311: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (#2333) (zkdpower) #2333
489de3f: Atualização Português do Brasil (#2324) (Anderson_Cardoso) #2324
911e9a3: WIN32 macro -> _WIN32 (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix intermediate seek->read status transition (Connor McLaughlin)
Add XAudio2 audio backend (Connor McLaughlin)
Move some options around (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix autofire locking menu up (Connor McLaughlin)
Redesign settings window (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix incorrect auto-updater arm64 filename (Connor McLaughlin)
914b91e: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2343
cb36171: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2343
Add ability to exclude/filter paths (Connor McLaughlin)
Add game list exclude path UI (Connor McLaughlin)
778ff27: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (#2343) (zkdpower)
173efd4: Atualização Português do Brasil (Anderson_Cardoso)
fb074bb: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2345
2c44839: Atualização Português do Brasil (Anderson_Cardoso) #2346
ed24c3e: Android - Arrays (Anderson_Cardoso) #2347
1cdb27a: Android - Strings (Anderson_Cardoso) #2348
16641ff: Update strings.xml (Anderson_Cardoso) #2348
98e1bde: dep/vulkan-loader: _WIN32 -> WIN32 (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix uncapped fps during pause in fullscreen UI (Connor McLaughlin)
Move sync to host refresh to display settings (Connor McLaughlin)
Clarify game list settings titles (Connor McLaughlin)
Prevent buffering more frames than size (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix contiguous space with full buffer (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix possible negative tick execution (Connor McLaughlin)
Add NeGcon for a few games (Connor McLaughlin)
601e020: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2349
Support half axis bindings (Connor McLaughlin)
Support half axis bindings (Connor McLaughlin)
Support half axis bindings (Connor McLaughlin)
Support half axis bindings (Connor McLaughlin)
Use 0..1 range instead of -1..1 for I/II/L (Connor McLaughlin)
Support binding half axes (Connor McLaughlin)
Support binding half axes (Connor McLaughlin)
Add undo load state feature (Connor McLaughlin)
Add RenamePath() (Connor McLaughlin)
Add save state backup option (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix settings menu offscreen with debug menu (Connor McLaughlin)
Scale full axis to half axis bindings (Connor McLaughlin)
b4092a5: Update Russian translation (#2350) (shikulja) #2350
e4b6f3a: Update Simple-Chinese Translation to latest. (zkdpower) #2351
77b3a43: Atualização Português do Brasil (Anderson_Cardoso) #2352
0af9ac7: Update Turkish localization (Foxtrot Uniform) (Anderson_Cardoso) #2354
5e5255c: Add README.pt-br.md by @andercard0 (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix start file running inside UI call (Connor McLaughlin)
Fix enable toggle not applying (Connor McLaughlin)
Create load/save state menus on demand (Connor McLaughlin)
89eda96: dep/imgui: Activate text input on mouse/gamepad nav (Connor McLaughlin)
e4b23ff: dep/imgui: Handle backspace text input (Connor McLaughlin)
Remove system paused/resumed message (Connor McLaughlin)
6e9ebfa: GPU/D3D11: Fix possible buffer overwrite when reading back (Connor McLaughlin)
Don't reset volume when fast forwarding (Connor McLaughlin)
a85f36b: Update Russian translation (#2360) (shikulja) #2360
Compile warning fix (Connor McLaughlin)
07fe20e: Update Turkish localization (Foxtrot Uniform) (Anderson_Cardoso) #2361
e012e00: Android - Strings (Anderson_Cardoso) #2366
5e54d7b: Android - Arrays (Anderson_Cardoso) #2367
acb108f: GPU/SW: Improve software blending precision (Connor McLaughlin)
Force software renderer for Addie no Okurimono - To Moze from Addie (Connor McLaughlin)
2f3512a: GPU/D3D11: Fix incorrect state being used with depth buffer on (Connor McLaughlin)
d94af2b: Update Japanese localization (Anderson_Cardoso) #2369
cc9999f: Atualização Português do Brasil (Anderson_Cardoso) #2375
2cf6e8f: Move dist files into extras (Connor McLaughlin)
8f31626: Warning fixes (Connor McLaughlin)

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:: Latest development builds
:: Related news post at PSemu.pl
:: Older builds for Linux and Windows, Android, Mac and Source code.
