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Conker's Bad Fur Day-Sequel



New member
jessman1988 said:
Hey, that sounds awsome! But can this REALLY be done? How big will the game be and will it play the same? Also, is this a PC game or a homebrew 64 rom? Will you supply us with a download someday? I'm sorry about all the questions, but you've perked my interest.

Yeah, it can be done. If just takes time and some effort. Hopefully, I'll get my hands on the geo for the levels and start soon.

I'm not sure how big the game will be, but I'm hoping that it will stay true to the original in all the right ways while improving in some respects even more. I love the original, but there are some things that I hate about it as well. The fact that your pals don't seem to care if your head is in the way when they take a shot is one thing that I'd really like to change cuz I can't count how many times that I was mere moments away from dispatching my foe when my "friend" takes my head off in an attempt to kill the same foe(Ironically, they almost always miss too which just makes it so much worse. I mean, if I'm going to die so you can shoot at an enemy, at least hit the bugger!).

The game is for the PC by the way. It will require DirectX 9.0b. Other than that I'm not too sure what the system specs will be. We'll find out as we go along I guess. And yes, I plan on making it freely available.

[QUOTE = jessman1988]Guck luck man.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'm going to need it.


Man on a mission
Neophyte said:
NeoNight: "you might be better off just waiting for conker live and uncut, and just given in and purchase an xbox >_<, that would be less stressfull then trying to create a sequeal...."

Conker's Bad Fur Day live and uncut isn't a true sequeal as it is just the old game with some additional material thrown in and better graphics. Besides, I'm going to really enjoy making this. All of the odd little things in the original that bugged me can now be fixed(like your A.I. teammates shooting you to get at an enemy. That really pissed me off everytime it happened because it always seemed to occur just when I had my shot lined up.)

Right so...ummm....*NOOB ALERT*.....


Conker's SEQUEL is A SEQUEL. There will be one new adventure that is much bigger, longer and complicated than Bad Fur Day. Then there is the EXTENDED multiplay, the new mini games (many regarding the manipulation of poo and snot of course). Finally, the original BAD FUR DAY but with the new engine. Yes it's EXCLUSIVELY on XBOX, just like the original BAD FUR DAY was EXCLUSIVELY on N64 and the Conker original game was exclusively on Commodore 64. Just becuase MS bought Rare don't bitch about it not making a showing on GameCube. GameCube is dead unfortunately. Live with it. XBOX owns :p


'd like to know what you mean by "engine" too.

EDIT : Clements bro. You get no arguement from me. The only bad game they ever released (even going right back to thier Speccy roots) was Diddy Kong Racing - it had all the hallmarks of a soulless marketing exercise. Every other game they've made has been a rare gem (no pun intended). Btw if you don't have an XBOX, now's the time to get one. Surreal 64 plays so many recent N64 games, that and Conker's 2 looks AMAZING - real fur!!! :)
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Master of the Emulation Flame
mezkal said:
The only bad game they ever released (even going right back to thier Speccy roots) was Diddy Kong Racing - it had all the hallmarks of a soulless marketing exercise. Every other game they've made has been a rare gem (no pun intended). Btw if you don't have an XBOX, now's the time to get one. Surreal 64 plays so many recent N64 games, that and Conker's 2 looks AMAZING - real fur!!! :)
Hey, what's wrong with DKR?
I think it's a good one and the idea with the advanture mode is (how the most of RARE's ideas) is stolen in a lot games.


That Damn Good
GameCube is dead unfortunately. Live with it. XBOX owns

That's just your opinion, IMO, Gamecube has much better games than Xbox. The only games I ever played that were worth a crap were SWKOTOR and Halo. I own all 3 systems and I must say that Gamecube is much better than Xbox.

The only bad game they ever released (even going right back to thier Speccy roots) was Diddy Kong Racing - it had all the hallmarks of a soulless marketing exercise.

DKR was a pretty good game and probably one of my favorite racing games.

More like 'Rare owns' and whoever they are with is not really that important.

Ain't that the truth, lol.


New member
Its Nintendo who made a whole lotta ideas. Check out the new Gameboy DS, nobody ever thought to make two screens at once. Nintendo and Sega used to be the kings, eversince Sony has knocked away Nintendo after trying develop the CD function for there consoles. Sony are traitors. Microsoft are just getting greedy. Nintendo innocent :saint: 's


Man on a mission
Mystic Gohan said:
That's just your opinion, IMO, Gamecube has much better games than Xbox. The only games I ever played that were worth a crap were SWKOTOR and Halo. I own all 3 systems and I must say that Gamecube is much better than Xbox.

In what way exactly? The annoying proprietary Mini DVDs? The limited shader engine? Or possibly the borked alpha bandwidth? Look I love NINTENDO as much as the next guy, but Nintendo themselves have basically sounded the deathknell of the GCN. They've even touted MS as thier strongest partner for the future. Regardless, Rare will be an MS exclusive affair. Deal with that too. I'm no fanboy. I'm a realist and realistically you won't see a new Rare title anywhere else but XBOX. Hating MS because they can afford to make moves that Nintendo can't isn't fair. Get an XBOX, get a mod and give MS the finger if that's what floats your boat. I was just offering advice based on my experience and the facts as everyone knows them at this time. Don't get pissed at me.


Man on a mission
GogoTheMimic said:
Oh yeah, definately. Look at all those Rareware titles for the XBox right now. /sarcasm

I'm sorry. If I waited to use a console just for RARE titles, even on a n64, I'd be waiting a LONG time between games. That's such a silly statement to make GoGo. :bye3:


Active member
Touting the XBox's weak merits is not exactly a cool idea since there are a lot of Nintendo supporters on this principally Nintendo emulation based forum, including me. If I was given an XBox as a gift, the best way I'd make use of it would to sell it. Xbox has hardly any exclusive games worth buying. Even a PS2 has a ton more exclusive games than a Xbox, since they come out on PC mostly (I'd rather play it on PC than Xbox hardware) eg. Halo and GTA games.

The only really good thing about an Xbox is that you can hack it to play emulators. I'd hardly call Gamecube dead when it outsells Xbox for sure in Japan and probably on a par with Xbox in the other major regions.


Pimpin' Red Mage
mezkal said:
I'm sorry. If I waited to use a console just for RARE titles, even on a n64, I'd be waiting a LONG time between games. That's such a silly statement to make GoGo. :bye3:

Um, that's exactly what I was trying to say. :p

Anyway, Nintendo SOLD Rare to Microsoft and with that cash they picked up a lot of smaller studios. Retro Studies or Silicon Knights anyone? I think Microsoft got the shaft on that deal. They picked up the name more than anything else. Hell, Rare even said on their website that they have fallen from grace.

Gone are the days when Rare was a great game studio. I'm sorry but it's the truth. :/ The new Perfect Dark was supposed to be a N64 title and now it's being touted as a XBox 2 launch title. They've released maybe five games in this generation of consoles including their GBA stuff released by THQ.


New member
mezkal said:
Conker's SEQUEL is A SEQUEL. There will be one new adventure that is much bigger, longer and complicated than Bad Fur Day. Then there is the EXTENDED multiplay, the new mini games (many regarding the manipulation of poo and snot of course). Finally, the original BAD FUR DAY but with the new engine.

Erm go and read the news on Rares site new Conker game is a multiplayer-only game, no history, no level, notin, it is based on the multiplayer modes on CBFD to play via X-BOX-Live!


That Damn Good
Erm go and read the news on Rares site new Conker game is a multiplayer-only game, no history, no level, notin, it is based on the multiplayer modes on CBFD to play via X-BOX-Live!

Everywhere I read said the game was going to be a remake of the original with better graphics. It's also gonna have the multiplayer mode and the original n64 version I believe.

Hating MS because they can afford to make moves that Nintendo can't isn't fair.

Just because Nintendo let rare go doesn't mean anything. Rare probably can't even help the xbox now. The only games that will keep the xbox going will probably be halo 2 and swkotor 2 when they come out, but they will also come out on pc so it might not help them.

To you Mezkel, I was just telling the truth, don't get mad. the gamecube is better in many ways than the xbox. for one it loads faster than the xbox, and it has more games worth buying just to name a few. Sure the xbox has all the systems beat in gfx but thats pretty much it.


Man on a mission
Gohan don't confuse your opinion with facts man. The XBOX is the most powerful (overall) of all three consoles at the moment.

The current industry is take is that Nintendo is in SERIOUS trouble. The DS is hopefully going to be their saving grace. Yet many seem to think (as do I) that Nintendo's current rhetoric is strangely reminiscent of Sega's before their demise. The Gamecube has been eclipsed by the XBOX in Japan AND in Europe btw. Your wrong on that point. Rare or no rare, Nintendo has always had a big fight on its hands with the Gamecube. It led the way in R & D, but came to the market too late. The sales figures reflect this. Nintendo has lost a lot of it's edge of late. I don't think they're quite dead yet and certainly GCN exclusive titles like Resident Evil 4 will go a long way to saving them. Will it save them longterm? I damn sure hope so. Miyamoto will never have the same sort of impact he had if he becomes yet another developer for XBOX. I hope Nintendo survives the coming storm. I sincerely do.


Active member
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That Damn Good
Gohan don't confuse your opinion with facts man. The XBOX is the most powerful (overall) of all three consoles at the moment.

I believe I stated that it had the best gfx, but sales wise the xbox is not so great.

with the "graphically inferior" PS2 leading by a mile. How do you explain that?

Lol, the ps2 is great. most people would explain this because it was released earlier but it also has the best games.


Active member
Exactly, it's the games that make the console, and the PS2 line-up (although may not be to everyones tastes) appeals to a much wider audience, so easily outsells the other consoles.

It's the GAMES that make a console NOT the hardware. Otherwise, the Jaguar would have been sucessful, the Game Gear would have crushed the Gameboy, Master System would have beaten the NES, the N64 would have beaten the PSX, and Xbox would outsell PS2. It ain't happening.


That Damn Good
It's the GAMES that make a console NOT the hardware. Otherwise, the Jaguar would have been sucessful, the Game Gear would have crushed the Gameboy, Master System would have beaten the NES, the N64 would have beaten the PSX, and Xbox would outsell PS2. It ain't happening.

You forgot to mention the Saturn and the dreamcast would have beaten the n64 and psx.
