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Zelda OoT Hacking; is it possible?

Ion Dune

I had an idea for a hack of Zelda OoT, where monsters would have speed increases, they would deal more damage, and (if possible, though I doubt it either possible or within ease of doing) have more monsters in certain places. I've looked at some ROM hacking websites but from what I can find theres either nothing on N64 editing, or they claim it's too hard. However, it seems to me like something that shouldn't be too hard, just open the ROM up in a hex editor, locate the right hex, and increase it to raise damage/speed. Please feel free to dash my hopes.


The "hex" is code. You need to change the right code at the right place and you must make sure that your "new" code isn't bigger or larger than the old code. Hacking roms is not easy.

Ion Dune

The rom is the source code, I just open it with a hex editor.

The idea was to change the code in the right place. I was hoping there could be a way to find the code for any enemy, locate a code that stands for the speed, and raise it a couple of digits. Cause it's hex it shouldn't be that hard to make it the same number of characters, if thats what you mean by size.


Again, mate, it's code. You have no way to tell what the code is doing unless you can read opcodes. It may be a very complicated code to move the enemies or a very small one, and in some cases, you can get away with just changing a small variable of sort.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but it probably is very hard.

Ion Dune

Damn. That program was perfect, but alas, a debug copy of master quest is lost to me. I'll see what I can do, but it looks like my idea is once again dashed.

Ion Dune

Ah yes, thank you very much. I'll look into that. All I need is to find a place with japanese/english names for monsters and stuff.
EDIT: It appears that my first glance was mistaken, and there are file names in english. I'll get to work!

I also managed to receive a copy of the debug master quest, so it looks like my dreams are not yet so dashed!
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New member
ahem. not giving direct ideas but...


they have tools for hacking and changing zelda variables, directly. cluding the hex. and actor replacement...
