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XBox 360 Rumble with N-Rage


New member
I installed the XBCD Xbox 360 drivers. Everything things to be working fine button-wise in Project 64. Yet, I fail to have any rumble. The plug-in seems to recognize that the controller can do it because the rumble selection buttons under 'Devices' aren't grayed out. When I do mess with the options and try to get it going, I get absolutlety no vibration feedback when playing a game. Any suggestions?


Programmer | Moderator
Some devices dont support the rumble feature. I can't get the rumble working with my n64 control adapter
i have the same controller and drivers and rumble works fine for me. heres two things to try. first try setting it to rumble pak on the controller pak tab. or if its a game where you need to load a save from your control pak file first then leave it on mem pak and hit the short cuts tab. and bind keys to unplug, mem, and rumble pak for p1. then when switching to it ingame pause and hit the unplug bind then switch over to what you need(ex unplug bind, wait a sec, rumble bind. same for going back to mem pack) then unpause. that works for me. so give it a go.


New member
Thanks Noobnugget. I didn't switch to rumble pak on the controller pak tab. I appreciate your help!
