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I suppose it matters on where it's used too. Because .NET has a huge framework to work through when doing stuff, OF COURSE it's slower than unmanaged. Well written unmanaged applications will probably always outperform C# and .NET due to the nonexistans huge Framework and lots of code going behind the scenes.


Sony battery
After pondering it a little, I guess I kind of understand your point of view a little better. It's not necessarily possible to have equivalent code and have it be well-written for each platform. Good coding practice is different for the two environments. Memory allocation, for example, is usually snappier in a managed environment due to the built-in memory management. But a good coder writing an unmanaged application would hopefully manage memory manually so that fewer allocations were necessary. Depending on how you look at it, this could be considered manual optimization, or routine programming - it depends on the application in question too.

So, while equivalent code might run slower in certain cases when unmanaged, a programmer writing for an unmanaged environment would probably be going about things in a different way than one writing for a managed environment. I definitely agree that, even in situations when managed code can be written to efficiently accomplish a task, unmanaged code has more raw potential for speed than managed (though I think this difference is often exaggerated). Put the needed development time into an unmanaged app and you will be able to make it faster than a managed one that performs the same task. Many times the development time needed to surpass managed code's speed will be non-existent or negligible, but in some cases a managed environment may lend itself well to an application, requiring a little more work to get an unmanaged counterpart running faster.

Anyway, if you haven't ever tried using C# or one of it's brethren, I'd suggest you try it out sometime. You might hate it, but you might not too. It's framework may decrease performance by a couple percent in average situations, but it also makes GUIs and even things like games much less of a headache to write, at least IMHO. (Still not a good choice for emulators though. ;))


So, while equivalent code might run slower in certain cases when unmanaged, a programmer writing for an unmanaged environment would probably be going about things in a different way than one writing for a managed environment. I definitely agree that, even in situations when managed code can be written to efficiently accomplish a task, unmanaged code has more raw potential for speed than managed (though I think this difference is often exaggerated). Put the needed development time into an unmanaged app and you will be able to make it faster than a managed one that performs the same task. Many times the development time needed to surpass managed code's speed will be non-existent or negligible, but in some cases a managed environment may lend itself well to an application, requiring a little more work to get an unmanaged counterpart running faster.
That kinda depends on the experience of the dev. Even though it's native, I can write a class that takes care of freeing memory when not needing anymore (with far less overhead than the managed approach since it silently executes a thread on its own, checking pointers and freeing them when no longer needed, and moving memory around, etc).
If you're fluent on GUI (comes with experience too), then you'll probably not spend so much time on that either. In this case, you'll probably be stuck on advanced stuff such as making your app multi-threaded or progress or other little convienience, but hard stuff. Which takes equal amount of time in both langauges, I might add (I would know, since I have experience in both).

Anyway, if you haven't ever tried using C# or one of it's brethren, I'd suggest you try it out sometime. You might hate it, but you might not too. It's framework may decrease performance by a couple percent in average situations, but it also makes GUIs and even things like games much less of a headache to write, at least IMHO. (Still not a good choice for emulators though. ;))

I've tried C#, C++ .NET and every time I've been turned off. Sure, it may be pretty GUI, but MFC 2008 fixes that anyway. Sure, it may have a huge library of things at your fingertips, but if you're experienced, you probably have a common code library lying around somewhere with lots of code for common tasks anyway, so that makes that point moot.

There are many variables in this question: the experience of the coder, the efficiency of the coder and the knowledge of the coder. With experience, you can write code faster and better since you know how it works, requiring less dev time. With efficiency comes speed. If you're a native dev, then you probably make efficient apps mostly. In managed evironments, where you can just allocate, forget and so on, you usually turn sloppy, reducing performance of your apps (*cough* ATI control panel *cough*).
And lastl there's knowledge - how much you know of the .NET Framework or Windows API or the STL - with such knowledge, you have to spend less time on finding what you need and build a code base.

We can say one thing for sure - Native apps, if written efficiently, will always be faster than managed (*cough* emulators *cough*) due to the overhead of managed. But in real-time apps, speed can vary due to the factors above, so we may or may not see faster native apps.
For me, however, native is the only way to go and I will never give up native for managed crap.
That's just IMO though.


Sony battery
Your last paragraph sums it up well. I tend to go easy on the shortcomings of managed languages, since that's where I got my start in programming, and I find their frameworks to be more elegant than native libraries, but I'll admit those shortcomings, however small I might consider them to be, do exist. Native code can be made to work very efficiently in just about any situation given enough development time and/or skill, so I also prefer to use it many times and can see why it appeals to some to use it everywhere. So, I guess in summary, to each his own. (Now that we've spent three pages educating a spammer on how two different but valid viewpoints can collide.) Peace. :flowers:
