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wHaT gAmEs ArE sPeCiaL to YOU?


yea, ff8 was overrated till its release, then everyone couldn't use the system that ff8 was using so they trashed it, hence making it underrated;)


aka Alshain
I liked B&W too. It was different. I'm kinda getting sick of FPS and RTS. All the games produced today are copies of other games with a little bit of difference. B&W had something new. Hand signaling for spells, Having a civilization without direct control over the individuals. I thought it was neat.


Sega Bass Fishing. Possibly the funniest party tournament type game ever.
Other than that, Killer Instinct on the SNES. The first, and only game to ever give me thumb blisters from pulling off 100+ hit combo`s. (Such a great trick...)


Wearer of Army Boots
Quake 3: Arena was overrated. proclaimed to be better than UT, it unstead went begging for mercy under the wrath of UT.

Pah to ID. Up with Epic.


Philosopher Warrior
Eagle said:
I liked B&W too. It was different. I'm kinda getting sick of FPS and RTS. All the games produced today are copies of other games with a little bit of difference. B&W had something new. Hand signaling for spells, Having a civilization without direct control over the individuals. I thought it was neat.
I was actculally talking about how much it sucked and how i only played it for an hour before i just started smaking the monkey (in the game people dont get me twisted) casue he was throwing people around when i started killing people on accident. that game was annoying. i kept trying to be a good guy and the guy from my avtar kept telling me i was evil and i had just killed someone.


get out of my house
hahah my monkey was rated 1.00 by the game, basically angelic but my temple was all evil. i found it really compelling for a while and once I got into it it was good, but it had waay too many flaws to make me wanna keep playing. i remember once i had to use the bookmark key about 50 times so I could get wood. playing it began to feel like working after a while


Jaz said:

And then when the game gets boring, you can use the rod to play Soul Calibur.. :D
Beware though... if two people have rods and play Soul Calibur, it`s incredibly funny until you start to batter the hell out of each other and see it mirrored on screen. ;)
