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To all corporate fanboys:


New member
Nintendo has cooperated with the EU from the outset of the investigation, which dates back to 1995. Nintendo no longer operates its European retail channel in this manner.

Now stop using this as an excuse for your piracy. If everyone were to follow your stance, then you'd have to start relying solely on individuals, and individual teams making games for fun. In an idealistic world that would happen, suffice to say, this isn't an idealistic world.

Whilst I respect your views, I do find them quite frankly nothing more than an excuse for your piracy.

Remember corporates, though they may make a lot of money (and may not always be the height of ethics) they nevertheless tend to employ... well quite a substantial number of people.


i need no excuse for piracy. i pay for all things that i consider worthwhile of my time/money, and that have not harmed or devalued a resource (including human time/life) in a way that i find offensive.

as soon as a patch is released to address issues in nfs 6, i'm going to buy it for instance (will be the 7th in my legally purchased collection).

the problem isn't with corporations per se, the problem is with extra local investment.

it's my belief that anyone who can invest in a project/company/product that they are nowhere near in a real geographic sense leads to inevitable exploitation (how can you be responsible for how your money is used if you are nowhere near it?). i don't blame the investors, how can they know being thousands of miles away, or in many cases solely investing as part of an over all mutual fund for which they couldn't POSSIBLY follow all the small parts of ethically or even fiscally?

the whole system is flawed with respect to human life and though i'm no utopian, i advocate change, and i think the first way to mandate change is for corporations (though not purposefully, almost unilaterally vile towards the majority of humanity, INCLUDING the employees) to start loosing money, through piracy or other channels of revenue loss.

I work for a financial firm that believes this is starting to happen (production/financial loss through consumer/employee disatisfaction also related to 80's DOWNSIZING trends wherein quality has been replaced often by immediate economic returns) and advise CFO's, and CEO's to not so quickly underestimate the infrastucture that can come about publically, financially, and production-wise from a corporation or company taking some of the steps that i am advocating, and promoting quality in a real sense over advertising and market hype.

i'm not some 12 yr old kid that wants free games.

but again, in the field of philosophy/ethics, i assume all parties will have their own opinions and thoughts, i am merely stating mine, in the advent that they may at least temporarily alter the perception of your own.



I prey, not pray.
you know, this is exactly why mod chips are purposefuly legal in australia, the lawmakers there stuck with the idea that it increases competition because everybody has the ability to import cheaper games, hence the prices go down, which is a good thing. Remember, even though higher prices spell higher income for individuals, it creates a worse monster, whose definition is "a general rise in prices", called inflation.


i own a console, and i own a computer for which i've bought SEVERAL games.

the list (again) for those that missed it:
quake 2 (revolutionary, and landmark in gaming history)
civilization 2 (one of the funnest games i've played, PERIOD)
civilization call to power (a horrible game, one that has convinced me to ALWAYS try before you buy)
serious sam (kinda fun)
need for speed 3 (a GREAT driving game, especially in it's day)
a little 2d game called Ballistic that i sent $20 to as shareware.
Nero (not a game, but i bought it, it kicks ass on other progs).

and then i use a huge list of open source stuff:
the gimp
others i'm forgetting, i'm sure....

then i use bsplay, callwave, winamp, emus, and etc that are all free.

then i pirate stuff i don't think is ethical to buy:

windows (ms is a bad bad corporation that proves their ethicacy over and over, end of story, they get no money)
ut2k3 (i've played it all of twice, probably will be deleted soon)
q3 (same as ut2k3, actually)
gta3 (same as above, my lil brother plays it sometimes, and he owns a copy, but when he stops by my pad it's on here for him really)
spider solitaire (ms again)
nfs 6 (maybe when they patch it so it's as good as the ps2 version i'll send them $30)
trillian (i'll buy this soon, actually)
cool edit 2.0 (i've used this twice, and i may use it again, but i'll wait for a stability patch/ speed fix before i send them money, and $80 is too high. imho.)

and that is my list with my justifications. though any external validation is taken with a grain of salt, i usually proscribe heavily to my own philosophy, as outside perspective is as good as hearsay to me.



lol, i'll take that, that's fair, but i like to call it "learning the hard way".... lol


I prey, not pray.
I would be lieing if I said I disagreed to either comment.

Nothing wrong with the occasional arrogance...
