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thpplay 1.5 released


New member

I've written a .thp (and .mth) player (these files are gamecube videos), the new release adds sound support. You can get it here (with source):

http://www.amnoid.de/gc/thpplay1.5.zip (249 kb).

You can see screenshots in the "szs file format explained" thread over at gc emulation/general gc emulation discussion, I'm posting here to reach a broader audience :canadian:

thpplay_fast.exe is somewhat faster than thpplay.exe, but looks slightly worse.


New member
you could probably use something like Goldwave or Cool edit pro to record it. It records audio going out your sound card, and can cache the data which is like recording audio out.


New member
Cant imagine that it would be that hard, I think he said that the format was OGG, so it should do a direct rip.


I was just curious if anyone had the gccommon header file that is included in this project. I realize that it's mostly definitions for unsigned integers and whatnot, but it would really save some time.
