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This will allow you to export geometry WITH textures

Janet Merai

TLOZ: Unicorns Lair Artist
This is SO going to help me and my girlfriend with my Zelda project! Thanks! :D

Edit: I got the output.wrl to work on 3DS Max 7, but the problem is it is all garbled up!
Any-way to fix it?

Maya doesn't work, any solutions around this garbled up geometry?
I used the outout.wrl and got a garbled up Link
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New member
3ds Max 8 Mesh Smooth

Has anyone gotten the models to smooth in 3ds Max?? I tried to follow FatalM4's post and I got to this:

after flipped normals, attach (to make it all one mesh), vertex weld, and meshsmooth..

but when I did meshsmooth and/or turbosmooth nothing happens. I can turn the iterations up to 8 and nothing happens... Kinda weird, I have never had a model not smooth before. Let me know if anyone has found a trick or a missing step.

Just to let all of the people who are questioning which program to use, if you go to Autodesk's web site you can get a 30 day free trial and you can also find a student version of 3ds Max 8 out there:

Also Blender is one of the best open source programs out there with plenty of plug-ins. Almost anything that 3ds Max and Maya does blender can do...Almost...for a free 3d software its the best, hows that. :)


noob =]
some quick texture fixes:
the problem with 3ds max is that when you import a scene it doesn't automatically show the textures (you know, pressing that little blue checkered box in the materials editor). the textures ARE there, they just don't show up in the scene or material editor. to fix that enter this in the pink box in the lower left corner of the window and hit enter:
for obj in objects do showtexturemap obj.material true
and your textures will show up without having to render.

right now i'm working on a ganondorf model whose textures are a little bit off, e.g. there's an eye on the back of his ear and his hair textures are off. to fix this open up the material editor then use the eyedropper to click on the improperly sized texture. click on the map for 'diffuse map' then change the values for 'tiling' to resize.


New member
Help please

Hello guys, im pretty new to this, i can figure it all out just fine, but like when i Export th VRML and import it into 3ds max 8, everything is scattered everywhere and things that do not belong in places are in the wrong spots, like 2 floors on the bottom floor, Boxes flying in the air an crap like that LOL LOL, can someone help me or is this just something that happends ???


New member
I recently got started with using this cool plug-in to capture textures and models from Star Fox 64. The output even works in Maya, after converting the WRL file by using Maya's "wrl2ma" converter.

The first thing I noticed was the texture wrapping problem, and I was gonna ask what's been done to prevent that, but after taking a good look at the model that was outputted (the Arwing), and the in-game model, I noticed something.

At first I thought it was some multi-texturing gimmick on a single polygon, but in fact, it isn't. What I saw was that the texture is correctly placed, but in any other area outside the texture placement, the very edge of the texture gets repeated, or should I say smeared, across the rest of that area of the polygon.

For instance, the "SF" symbol with wings on the sides of the fuselage of the Arwing. In-game, the texture is shown once, but when exported, it is repeated over that single triangle. In-game, if you look closely, and trail the edge of the texture off to the sides, you'll see that looks like the very edge of the texture was smeared all the way to the end. For Slippy's face and Falco's beak in-game, you can see this same smearing, so as to make it look like only one instance of the texture is there, whereas when exported, their faces are covered by these single textures.

Now, I don't know if this is a N64 hardward-specific feature, but if this feature is possible in programs like Maya, I'd really like to know how to do it. I've only been working with Maya for a few weeks, so I am still learning things.

The only other way I can think of mimicing this is to make 4 - 8 new textures, each taking an pixel edge/corner of the original texture, split the polygons of the model right where the edge of the texture is placed, and then use these new textures, and map those over the new polygons formed with each wrapped. I think it would do it so simple areas, like on an Arwing, but even with that, I could see a lot of work beign done to do such a thing, and I don't want to even get into more complex models.....

Sorry if this was already known. I checked through this thread kinda quickly, and didn't seem to find any indication of it. Ignore this finding if it has been discussed already.


noob =]
Now, I don't know if this is a N64 hardward-specific feature, but if this feature is possible in programs like Maya, I'd really like to know how to do it. I've only been working with Maya for a few weeks, so I am still learning things.

open up the attribute editor for your texture map (hypershade or multilister>right click on material>diffuse map) and under the 2dPlacement tab uncheck the 'wrap' or 'repeat' boxes, that should solve your problem


New member
helo but waht is the methid eto export because noiw he doesn(t work
i using the last nemu but when i export i don t have the textur please help me

Janet Merai

TLOZ: Unicorns Lair Artist
I was messing around in Zelda 64 and imported Hyrule Field into 3DS Max 8 :)

The textures are there and everything :p

Now I am going to use the 3D model of Link I got for my game :D

Janet Merai

TLOZ: Unicorns Lair Artist
I'm not sure if this is allowed, but can someone give me a Link model from Ocarina of Time (I'm asking because Nemo64 can't read my .n64 game)? Thanks.

Well, here is a model I extracted from Ocarina of Time :p

Textured, modeled and everything :)
The model is a bit crappy though in terms of wanting to rig and animate him, you need to know a lot about 3D modeling to even get around to making Link plausible to even animate :)

If the textures won't load, make a /map directory in 3DS Max
I also exported to other formats as well, .wrl, .obj, another I forgot and .3DS

Enjoy :)

Note: You can rip the shield, sword and just about ANYTHING in the game :p
I nabbed the sword sheathed, unsheathed and a bomb.
This will help my Zelda project a LOT :D

Another N00b

New member
Hi, and sorry for this question, but I rly don't know what to do.
First of all, my system is on harddrive D, not on C (because my pc is bugged as hell), so i created the VRML folder right in the NEMU folder on another harddrive, but this isn't the problem imo. For some reason, I cant extract stuff out of ROMs (and I didn't find a tut to learn it :/). I need the models of Mario, Link etc., but everytime I open a ROM and select this <Export VRML> thing, it says:
first (but only by starting a Zelda ROM) and then

can someone tell what to do or give me a link to a tut?

(hab gesehen, dass es hier auch deutschsprachige leute gibt. Könnt ihr mir vielleicht helfen?)

And one more thing. Does anybody here know the 3D prog Blender? Because this is the only prog that I can use. Is there a way to extract the stuff in something Blender supports? Maya would be ok, too (but I only have the learning edition)...
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New member
I think it's the graphiccard or its driver that doesn't support something anymore. I don't know if I'm correct but since I have a newer PC I can't use that export function anymore. I get the same error messages.
BTW I have Ati Radeon X1900.
Or is it the cpu? Does it support dual core?

Janet Merai

TLOZ: Unicorns Lair Artist
I have an ATI Radeon 9250 graphics card and it rips the models and textures just fine.

The thing is, your VRML folder needs to be in the actual drive.


"C:/user/VRML" <- CORRECT <- -> NOT "C:/user/Program Files..." nor "C:/user/Program Files/1964/099/VRML"

Basically, you need the VRML folder in your drive.
I use 1964 to export, I have problems with Nemu64 and Project 64, they barely support that plugin, you are best off with 1964.

I export and I get everything shown in the rom, including the models, segements, camera(s), enemies, items and so on, even textures all in my VRML folder.

And you get an "output.wrl" file, I recommend using a commercial 3D modeling program or Blender, but I had problems using Blender on the created .wrl file.

3DS Max 9 worked just fine on .wrl and Maya, but some other programs had a fit.

Make sure your card supports pixel shaders, or you will get errors, but keep clicking past the errors and export, that worked fine on my ATI Rage PRO ULTRA 128 card.

Another N00b

New member
I also have the ATI Radeon 9250, so it's not the g-crad... That makes me happy. :D

I even managed to extract the *.wrl stuff out of TLoZ: OoT! ^^ But as you said, I couldn't open it in Blender, so I guess I have to open it in my Maya Learningstuff or get another 3D program.

Anyway, thank you! :)
