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The Microsoft version of "Doom"


New member
Guys, I found something really impressive in the net. It's related to our friend, the Microsoft owner, Bill Gates. The original link is on portuguese and it is:


It would be interesting to take a look, at least for those who know the language. For those who can't read, I'll try to tranlaste what I think you would like to know.

For those who have Excel 95 installed (not the Excel from Office 97), make the test:

1. Open a new file.
2. Put the cursor on line 95.
3. Click on the button 95 to select the whole line.
4. Press Tab to go to the second column.
5. Now using the mouse, select Help --> About.
6. Now press (and keep pressed) Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys and, using the mouse again, click on "Product support" (don't forget the keys have to be pressed at this time).
7. A new window will appear with the title "Hall of Tortured Souls". It's a program similar to Doom, and you can walk using the arrow keys.Taking a look at the walls, you'll see names of tortured souls moving along it.
8. Now go back to the start point, at the wall that was behind you. It is white and checkered. Now type EXCELKFA. The wall opens and reveal a secret passage. Go through there and try not to fall. When you reach the end of the path, you'll se something really frightening. Witnesses from all parts of the world verified that this is a true revelation that open your eyes.

There's more, but my question is about this "Doom" game into Excel 95 program. Did someone here verified this before? What could that be? There's no further information about what is at the end of the path, but I would like to see this. If you guys have Excel 95 , try to check it out and see what happens, ok? See ya.


Active member
Yes, it exists. We used to do it in school *several* years ago (you know, around 1995 :p) It isn't a whole lot of fun actually, since there are no monsters to blow up but merely it is a raycasting style environment where you can walk around and eventually come up on some credits scrolling and a photo of people.

Edit: Here's a short demo video 7zipped (about 18-19MB unzipped, 45 seconds)
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Zelda Guru
those names along the walls are supposed to be tortured souls?...

I think every version of excel has its own little easter egg. version 2002 has a procedure that lets you play a little auto racing game
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Son of the Sky
J-Nic said:
those names along the walls are supposed to be tortured souls?...

I think every version of excel has its own little easter egg. version 2002 has a procedure that lets you play a little auto racing game

Really? How do you get there?


New member
I tried to open the Motocross Madness of the Word. I looked for the Rockwell font and I haven't found it on the list.
Is this the name of the font on portuguese?

From "eeggs.com":
Word (Microsoft) - "Sex" in spell checker
1. In any document type zzzz
2. Hit the space bar
3. The spell checker will put a wavy red line under the zzzz
4. Place the cursor over the zzzz and right click
5. See how Bill Gates defines zzzz
Special Requirements:

Hehehe, nice going Bill. Now we know about what are his dreams, huh?


New member
Old school.
Hey, do someone remember the trick to get the skull, the star and the plane to head towards the towers in Word?
It had smth to do with the Wingdings font?
bigank said:
I found this on website, i don't how actually no how valid but it kind of changes people's opinion on 9/11
...Open Microsoft Word and do the following:

1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first
plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.

2. Highlight the Q33 NY.

3. Change the font size to 48.

4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS
Yeah, here it is.


New member
That doesn't make sense though because Q33NY has no meaning. Though, there is another one with the Wingdings font that means "Death to Jews" Type "NYC" and change the font. Microsoft claims it was purely coincidental.
