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Starfox 64


New member
I came across Nemu looking for a netplay-compatible N64 emulator, and am very impressed with the functionality and smooth netplay; it's exactly what I was looking for.

I want to play Starfox 64 with my friends online, and it works perfectly fine. My problem is that I want to unlock the tank and foot modes in multiplayer without playing through the entire game again (Doing it once on my N64 was bad enough) since those are the most fun I've had.

I've searched the net and only found a DexDrive save, but what puzzles me is that Starfox 64 doesn't use the memory pack...How do I go about loading this save into the game to unlock everything?

Before Nemu I was using Project64, and their FAQ said N-Rage's input plugin supported DexDrive saves, so I configured that and loaded the .n64 file, but it didn't change the game in any way, no matter how I went about it.

Is there something I'm missing? I've tried contacting the supplier of the save file whose name was on www.gamefaqs.com but he never replied ):
If I can't do it with the DexDrive save, does anybody have this unlocked and could give me a savestate?


New member
Update: I obviously didn't look hard enough. Found www.dextrose.com by looking at other threads here, and they had an EEP ROM save file (.sav)
I downloaded it, unzipped it, named it to math my ROM, and put it in my designated EEP ROM folder, but it didn't do anything? Is there something I'm missing about how to get .sav files working?
Could it be for a different version of the ROM? If so, how could I test that against any other version I come across?


New member
Finality: I'm retarded.
I just realized when the ini says ".\EEPRom" that it means from where the ROM is loaded, not where the emulator is started. Changed them all the full paths and it works fine!
