Rewind to a couple months ago:
Hey everyone, I'm new here. My wife and I are about to make a documentary! I am a huge fan of Rareware, their N64 Games made me the gamer I am today. I am going to travel to different shops and dealers in ohio and film me hunting down each game and trying to get good prices on them until I complete the collection. I currently have Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini, and I will soon be picking up Mickey's Speed Way USA from Austin Morgan, another member here. We don't want to purchase anything online unless people are just not willing to help me out on the prices. Playable is all that matters, stickers and whatnot are not as important to this project, but of course I would prefer to have the higher quality ones. I would also like to get strategy guides for each game too. If you live within 30 miles of Hamilton, and have any of the titles I need and would like to be features in a documentary, comment on here.
Fast Forward to today:
Rareware games included:
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Banjo Kazooie & Tooie
Blast Corps
Killer Instinct Gold
Mickeys Speedway USA
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Rareware games included:
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Banjo Kazooie & Tooie
Blast Corps
Killer Instinct Gold
Mickeys Speedway USA
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64