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searching gb emu with midi sound output and source


Uli Hecht
i'm looking for a gameboy emulator with midi sound output for my project. i know there are a few, but i need one, which supplies the source code.

thanks, uli


Emulator Developer
i'm looking for a gameboy emulator with midi sound output for my project. i know there are a few, but i need one, which supplies the source code.

thanks, uli

I don't know of any, but just in case you don't realize already using MIDI to emulate Gameboy audio is never going to be very accurate, even with a suitable sound font. You'll be able to get the square waves but the custom waveform and noise are out.


Uli Hecht
yes i know, but i have no other possibilities, the target system is a mobile phone with java me
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Mupen64Plus Dev.
hmm, thought you could do that without MIDI in Java (Though, I don't like/use Java so I wouldn't know)

If you want this to run on Linux, then that won't work with MIDI - Unless the hardware and drivers both literally support it, which does not occur very often. (Usually its done on software) I'm not sure about Mac OSX, but i think it will play fine there (QuickTime plays them, i think, and some of MacOSX's core audio uses QT, if i remember properly)

Anyways, I don't know of any GB emulators that use MIDI and are open source, Java or not. Thats a very specific query.


Uli Hecht
there is an emu library for emulator developers on the VGB homepage, it can handle midi output and even the source code is available, although VGB is a commercial gameboy emulator.

nmn: i talked about java me, which is used in mobile phones. and i didn't find any possibility to do real wave sound output on the mobile phones.


Mupen64Plus Dev.
Oh, I see, Java Mobile Edition.

Well, In that case, You will probably need to start from scratch, because VBA is written in C along with most other GB emulators. You could of course try basing your source off of the other Java GB emulators that DO exist, but you'd have to do some port work: AFAIK Java ME code works a bit different (drawing and initialization wise)

Here is a Java gameboy emulator, but you'll still need to take out the sound rendering code and then port the graphics code over to the Java ME equivalents (I've written programs in Java ME, and I didn't really like how hard it was to find enough resources to be able to write the graphics part of my application :()


Uli Hecht
nmn: :D i never said, that i'm going to write a gameboy emulator. And: i said my problems are already solved, because there is this emulator library with midi sound output and available source code :D
And: Java sucks, it's a pity, that those mobile phone programs are based on java.

