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Ricevideo to Jabo direct3d Texture converter.


Fanatic 64

1. Yet :3
2. Done
3. Are there any?

1. And pretty much never, seeing the plugin is abandoned now (and I don't hold my breath for Zilmar to do it).
2. Not done. Zilmar just compiled the wrapper into the same DLL. The Glide to OpenGL wrapper is still there. There is no performance gain from that.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And some other games that don't glitch terribly on either plugin.


New member
Is there any way to load rice texture packs with jabo? And to everybody that keeps saying there is NO advantage of jabo over glide, what about the widescreen hack? As far as I know you can't play games in widescreen on glide but you can on jabo, and as I play on a 65 inch hdtv widescreen is a huge plus. So if there is anyway to use texture packs in jabo from rice (since there are hardly any jabo packs) I would appreciate it. Or a way to get Glide to do widescreen.
