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RDB WIP-download improved files & help test PJ64 game compatibility please!


New member
snesmaster40 said:
Weird... I don't see the cheat either, maybe it's because I've got the (E) [f2] version
Just open the .cht file with Notepad or another text editor and do a search for "winfy". You should get about 3 hits, at least.


New member
I am not sure if I am doing this right but I guess I will try. In Jet Force Gemini (U) [!] I am getting a couple minor errors. I can provide save states or native saves if needed.

1) On the multiplayer character select screen only three icons are used to display the different characters. I can play using each character, I am just not able to tell which character I have selected due this problem.

2) On the map screen, no matter which character I am currently using, Vela's icon is always in the bottom left corner.


Active member
Unreported Perfect Dark bug: Horizonscan does not work with Jabo's D3D8 1.6. This is a piece of equipment that you get on the Air Base level that uses a framebuffer effect similar to the Camspy.


Active member
Typographical error in the GameFAQ, under F-Zero X,

"Why are all the 2d graphics missing?
Check that you haven't enabled "adust aspect ratio to match yours" in the v1.6 video plugin."

adjust is missing the 'j' ;)


New member
Im having this problem with ExtremeG2, this happens when using the nitroid code and using nitros.

i think it even happens not using nitroid as a name.
but anyway you hit a nitro and your screen pulls away.

though this RDB did allow me to play the game again since it stopped working.

Ignore the upside down-ness, this happens when using the nitroid code and you break the sound barrier.

only the screen pulling away.
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Emutalk Member
Ms PacMan Maze Madness
apparently hang does not happen on CF2
can anyone try game on CF2 and report any problems please, cant' remember why we put it on CF1 (smoother?)


New member
Smiff said:
Ms PacMan Maze Madness
apparently hang does not happen on CF2
can anyone try game on CF2 and report any problems please, cant' remember why we put it on CF1 (smoother?)
Well, the rom seems to be more stable and i can finally play classic mode. Don't know why classic mode works now, maybe because i'm using Glide64 0.8 Wonder Plus (New, just released a few weeks ago) or becuase i'm using a *cough*new PJ64*cough*.


Emutalk Member
RE Ms PacMan - jabo just said hes never heard of this game, so no wonder it has issues. should be sorted soon ;)
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New member
Paper Mario has many gliches.

1. There is no background on the window at the end of chapter scenes or beginning of chapter scenes even though most of the problems in them are fixed when you use wireframe rendering then swap back to normal rendering.

2. Textures are missing on the menus. The background for the menu you go into by pressing start ingame is incorrect because it is an old one if you use it in a building but doesn't show when you use it outside.

3. Lines show up on the 2d scenes on the left side in the introduction. It also happens in Donkey Kong text bubbles which seems to require too much cpu.

4. There's an odd problem in z buffering in shooting star summit, dry dry ruins, toad town on arch, dry dry outpost or battle scenes when you are talking to someone or moving across something. Objects, object parts and texture portions disapper and shadows clip through each other. Koppa Fortress and the second heart box on mount rugged have this as well but not when you are moving. The heart box one is not there when you move to the place on the walkway before exiting.

5. Is there supposed to be a motion blur effect in the game in battle and the balls from There are other missing or incorrect effects like the fading out effect on the logos, glow effect on balls and stars, missing mushroom transision to star in 4th cutscene, the candleflames, battle transision effect which is supposed to have a black background surrounding stars which shrink as they go off the screen, the flip effect which sometimes shows lines going through characters, and the background blackening effect when you get a new star or use a star power which has corrupt tiles in it.

6. You need to say that Paper Mario needs a good video card in Gamefaqs. My Intel graphic controller displays Ocarina of Time perfectly except for errors mentioned in gamefaqs and walls disappering when you get close to them does not show reflection mapping, fog, Bowser's flame in first battle, light and fog textures, magic spell effects, super blocks, fortune telling and some textures properly corrrectly due to not supporting pixel shaders, alpha comparisions( if your plugin uses them), and some of the blend modes used in it.

7. Collision detection is not correct. You can go through walls and other objects. Sometimes your partner goes through things instead of going around them.


Proud Nintendo FANBOY
I use Rice's Video Plugin for Paper Mario and have had no flicker or other video issues, cause I cannot use the Glide one cause it crashes PJ64 on my computer. As for Donkey Kong 64, I have not played it on 1.6 yet
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New member
Turok 1 still acting up

Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (U) (V1.0)

I still get random but predictable lockups in Levels 3 through 8. ...about 23% r4300i and 77% idle... others are at 0.

Same behavior across two different machines (Intel P4-M 1.6 w/GF4 Go 440, AMD D950 w/GF3 Ti 200). I worked around it by going through sticky parts of the levels that generated the crashes while looking straight down. This also works at getting me into level 4 without having to mess with the Counter Factor (..that CF=1 trick NEVER worked for me at all--instant lockup), so that problem is related somehow.

Changing the settings for self-modifying code to Cache seemed to help a couple trouble spots, in addition I changed the memory size to 8MB (no reason to) and checked Larger Compile buffer. These settings are back to the defaults (where I'll leave them) since I put in the new RDB.

Occasionally these lockups will crash PJ64 1.6 and I get a (useless to me) crash dump (newfangled illegal operation window). Last time it was exception 0xC0000005... Access Violation (or DEP)?

I also have to use the legacy pixel pipeline otherwise things are totally screwed up.

// Tried other plugins, 1964... all with worse problems.

Lord Sonx

Crazy Animator

some users report a level restarting, not something we've seen - if you have more info on this please report.

zipper transition effect may not be correct (need info please)​

the 1st point, this is casued mainly when a kong is swinging or climbing and a polygon gets caught out of the level cuasing the rest of the kong to appaer off level cuasing the level to kill the kong, resulting in reset of level, or just a small part of land for the kong to wlak on before resetage.

the zipper, the screen shows yellow instead of < what i asume> is the previous/oncoming screen

sorry if these points have been cleared alreayd but theres like.. 1 pages before this post...:p
