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Random lockups when computer is idle


New member
Try not leaving your comp on all night it stresses out the cpu and can lead to further failiure and or cpu overheat, try not to leave on overnight, the problem is caused by insufficent memory more specifically "Virtual Memory" you can rid this problem by allowing more memory to be put to use you can do this in your computer bios, or you can upgrade to a bigger RAM Stick Depending on what you have for your processor speed you should have a round 1gig to 1.5 at minimal.


New member
Dude, get your facts right, ok.
First of all, there is no stressing the CPU out of over usage, second, Virtual memory is not set out on the BIOS, third, memory is always good regardless of the CPU speed.


Sony battery
Butters101, you do realize that the servers that run websites (made from similar to identical innards as the PCs you and I use) run 24/7? Leaving a PC on overnight is not going to have a dramatic effect on the CPUs wear, especially if there are no CPU intensive processes running. CPUs are generally designed by manufacturers to run at lower clock speeds than they are actually capable of, which prevents a fully loaded CPU from becoming unstable. Memory requirements are not based on CPU speed at all, but by the OS and software you intend to use. Sorry if I repeated some of what WhiteX said, but it's important to know what you're talking about before you try to give advice to someone.
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Sony battery
WhiteX said:
Hey, Toasty, you should change your title to "Dell laptop". :p
I finally got it! (And I'm the guy who started the thread about that.) I am very slow... :doh:
