Yeah theres no good way to make the end of the beam seamless with the rest (its actually not a muzzle flash), since it would involve making it not seemless with itself along the 120* line. Logically it would be drawn above it since it supposed to be a spherical end of the laser, but to keep the idea that the beam ahsnt fully existed the emitter yet it gets drawn behind despite there actually not being a frame where the beam is all the way out.
Still spent alot of time trying to get the sizing right with the bright/saturated and opaque/translucent areas much better than the original.

Obviously since its light the projectile velocity is very high so its impossible to tell outside of screenshots now, while the original was very noticeable if you look at the emitter while firing it
oh right and if I get rid of those white streaks (on the new red one) in the main part of the beam and then tune the end a bit more I could get it fully seamless. Vut without the white streaks the stobe effect is alot less visible so it looks like its not moving, since it doesnt move the texture along the beam and loop it form start to finish like the optical cable on the eyepiece, probably because it was hard to do while the object was also moving.
As for why its red, when you look at it in the menu its actually like that, so I worked off of that texture to make it. Only issue is the crossbow bolts use the same texture as the short range stream, but Ill just fix that in the port
Then the crosshair replaces the cheat one, it would probably be easy to make it not count as a cheat, but ideally it would just replace the original, since the large pixel size makes it sometime step to the wrong place like the reflections in the glass, while the red dot on the falcon 2 is always right also you have a bit of variance where you are actually aiming, but on average (ans when you are looking straight without the aim function) its actually about 10 pixels to the right, so the texture compensates for that