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Pcsx2 Cdvd--iso--fat32 Help


Well, I'm about to commit suicide if I don't get my things working properly. :whistling

Ya, I downloaded PCSX2 0.8 (great emulator, congrats to PCSX team) and I was wondering if I could run games with it. I don't have Ps2 games, so I need to loan from friends that have it. Today I got Devil May Cry and FFX and tried to run on 0.8. First I tried with PEOPS CDVD DRIVER 1.2 . I put FFX (it's ripped dvd-rom with 4,19GB, and I ran it in my dvd drive) to run on PCSX2 and... the emu crashed. Yeah, sad. Then I changed to CDVDnull Driver 0.6. It went to BIOS screen, went to browser... and it did not started my game. "dammit, what will I do?", but I found the answer: make an ISO. Haha, I got FFX and started make an ISO.. ('wtf happened now with this guy?'-you must be wondering ).. but FAT32 system DOES NOT SUPPORT FILES OVER 4GB. W-T-F! Now I leave two questions and any idea will be very appreciated:

- Is there ANY thing I could do to make emu read the DVD without crashing?
- What is better? FAT32 or NTFS? (and how i change fat32 to ntfs)

Thank you guys
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NTFS is superior to FAT32. If you have XP, there's a conversion utility, otherwise you need to do a format with the new format system (ie NTFS). Beware that the emulators will not run games properly. Most games will not run, and if they do, it will be very slow.


Active member
If you have XP you can do this in the command prompt:
convert C: /FS:NTFS

You'll need to restart your machine & it'll convert it to NTFS on the next boot - make sure you don't do it if a power outage is expected, etc ;)


Hehe. I converted it almost now. Doom said that my games would run slow, but I played Perfect Dark and Zelda MM in PJ64 in normal speed, and tested Chanka and its ok too... still I need to be aware?
And I turn to ask: how can I run the DVDs by my DVD drive?


With NTFS I made an ISO of FFX International with those 4,19GBs and I've ran on the emu. Worked (yeeeee! the first game I ran in that emu! :p), but comes blank until the beginning of the game. I'm not bored with this, just shows that PCSX2 will get stronger realese after realese.


Active member
Glad the convert went OK. As far as the emulation goes - PS2, XBOX, and GC emulation is coming along but still pretty far from general-purpose use and being playable


aha, and I'm not having problems (yet?) with NTFS. thanks seth and doom for the hand :) .
