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Patch or hack or SOMETHING for 7zip support?

Nintendo Maniac

New member
I just went on a massive N64 rom downloading spree to get copies of all my uhh... legal XD N64 games. This was because I'm worried that my saves will be dieing soon, and also that maybe people will figure out how to get roms onto the Wii so that we could play the games that aren't for download. If the Wii one doesn't happen, the PC is good enough.

I've got everything in 7zips, but I know 1964 doesn't read them. So I tried to make 1964 associated with .Z64's and open the file directly, but I just get an error saying :
[Such-and-such-rom] is not a valid Win32 application.

I'm running Win2K, and I certainly don't have the HDD space to store all the roms of all versions and stuff outside of 7z's, and it'd be REALLY annoying to keep extracting the rom when I just want to play it >_>

And while I'm at it, is there a device out there that dumps N64 saves? I would need memory card saves dumped too... this is to get my saves before they die.

2013 EDIT: lolwut at being totally blunt about things that nowadays people usually beat around the bush and STILL get their posts moderated. o_O
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You can use normal zip compression instead of 7z. It will take a while to recompress but it will still save lots of space.


7z uses a new form of compressing, so you can compress (for example) the complete goodgen3.0 into 690mb.
unzipped it is 7,51GB in 5871 files
zip can max. compress this to ~3GB.
this is still ALOT more then 7z with 690mb

i personally think that 7zip-support is very usefull
and it should be easy to implement since it is OPEN SOURCE


the swedish chef
i will totally agree that 7Z is great, but i have one problem with it... I CANNOT SEEM TO UNZIP/DECOMPRESS!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!


Best use official program. Winrar does not have full 7zip support, I think. 7zip does not have full rar support (this I know).
And winrar is bloated and annoying, etc, etc (IMO)


Yeah I think WinRar can extract only, but I only really use it for extracting anyway. I've never really found WinRar bloated though...
