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New Video Game Sparks Old Question


Gamers are constantly battling the notion that video games have the ability to transform us into mindless zombies incapable of separating the virtual world from the real world. And I'd agree, if, having grown up playing Pac-Man and Super Mario, I would have had an obstinate urge to devour blue flashing spirits and kick retreating turtles that have receded into their shell. But curiously, my psyche never taunted me into living out those 2-D rendered scenarios, nor do I have this desire to clock a prostitute upside her head before mowing down innocent pedestrians a la Grand Theft Auto.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Certain people and the media are just desperately trying to find a scapegoat when they realized that the values they held up high a few decades ago no longer apply in today's society.

Of course, according to them kids and young adults have been FUBARed by video games, movies and violence. Let's not get started on the nutjobs like Thompson.
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That Damn Good
As Agozer said, these people are just trying to find a way to lessen their sentence or to get out somehow. It was just like the Columbine killings where they blamed their actions on a modded version of Doom which I found to be complete BS.

You also have the parents and politicians who try to get these games banned. The reason for this is probably because they do not want to take responsibility for them not treating their children right. If they were to interact with their children properly and not ignore them or whatever they do then these kids probably wouldn't be doing this kind of stuff.

If videogames actually influenced what we did, then you would see everybody popping pills and trying to eat ghosts. You would see people doing shrooms and thinking they were on top of the world trying to step on turtles.


If videogames actually influenced what we did, then you would see everybody popping pills and trying to eat ghosts. You would see people doing shrooms and thinking they were on top of the world trying to step on turtles.

I pop pills! Wacca Wacca Wacca! :p


At your service, dood!
Video games are to blame, there was never any violence or wars before video games you know. Forget TV and movies, they don't cause people to act violently because it's a proven fact that video games are the sole reason why people kill each other, the world was a utopia before pacman was released and then all hell broke loose causing total destruction of the universe.

P.S. if you can't tell i'm being sarcastic ;)
