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Naomi/Naomi 2 Skip CRC checks. (widescreen hacks)


New member
Simply short, I am modifying Naomi Roms so the games display in native Widescreen, but anytime I change a single file in the rom the game won't boot since the CRC is not the one Demul is expecting from it.

As an example in VIRTUA FIGTHER 4 (vf4cart.zip) I need to change the following values in epr-23785.ic22

from (4:3)
AB AA AA 3F 40 36 0E 0C A0 C7 0B 0C 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 86 2F E6 2F 22 4F 14 D1 13 63 40 73 13 67 42 77 30 62 70 61

to (16:9)
39 8E E3 3F 40 36 0E 0C A0 C7 0B 0C 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 09 00 86 2F E6 2F 22 4F 14 D1 13 63 40 73 13 67 42 77 30 62 70 61


Is there a way to skip it or add it as an option so games can be modifyied?
