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N64 ROM Header


New member
I've been trying to get one of the Hi Res packs to work with a rom, but the rom I have has the "wrong" header (case of the Master Quest vs "The Legend of Zelda"). How can I go about changing the header, as I see that's a potential solution to my problem (as the textures are all made for the rom with the headers "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA").

Someone did make a pac with each file renamed to be for ZELDA MASTER QUEST but its not up anymore.

Is there a certain utility to use? I've tried hex editor and stuff and can't edit the header in PJ64... Help please =]


Mupen64Plus Dev.
Can't you just rename the folder the pack is in? I don't know how high res textures work in PJ1.7, but in Rice Video you could just rename the folder inside of the pack to match the ROMs title.

Of course, though, the texture pack may still fail considering it's not really the same ROM...


New member
Well I know it works with MQ, but in order to make the texture pack work with MQ you need to change the name of every file in every folder of the texture pack, and that's like 6,000 files! SO it is easier just to changed the header of the image to "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA", if I could only find out how.


Active member
Renaming the rom header info would not work. The files are named according to checksum and each game would have different data...


New member
Well I guess I'll post in the help thread for the packs to see if anyone knows how to get it to work with MQ. Thanks for the help.
