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Let's play hungry hungry hippos

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
I'm bored. So I decided to ask this. Does anyone know what song the line in my sig comes from? (No, not the part about the GameCube pre-order, or about me being part of emutalk, the other bit). :p
Raging Fuel

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
Umm..isn't the idea that I don't tell you what it's called? Aren't you supposed to guess it? Shouldn't I know the answers to these questions? Why am I talking to myself?

There, four more questions for you guys to answer.


Active member
Isn't that the song of misfortune also commonly refered to as the song of failures or as the inmates would say, it's our song...
Raging Fuel

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
OK, since 2fast4u got it (*cough*cheater*cough*:p) I'm going to get a new random quote from my MP3 collection. This time NO using a search engine.

"I'm like a water-logged ball. No one wants to kick around anymore."
Raging Fuel

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
Since I know you are all busting to know the answer, here it is :p

Heavy Heart by You Am I


Wearer of Army Boots
right, let me try...

"In through the doorway she brings me
White gold and pearls stolen from the sea"
Raging Fuel

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
"when i am king you will be first against the wall
with your opinion which is of no consequence at all"


New member
-Radiohead, "Paranoid Android"

my turn :p

"Sniff the glass and let it roll around on your tongue"
Raging Fuel

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
Mine was very easy (especially if you read the 'what are you listening to now' thread :p)

I'll just make a rule or two for this thread, only one quote at a time (it would just get too complicated otherwise). If the quote isn't identified within 24 hours (might change this number) then a new one can be asked.
