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Just somethin' I'm kicking arround.

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
thedaemon666 said:
lol funny thing is you get a free perfectly fine copy of maya with Unreal Tournament 2003 as it is a part of the development tools for extra characters etc...
wouldn't see why it wouldn't do for importing stuff etc...
not to mention there is more than likely a plugin for it to support VRML

Too many steps.

And who said that Perfect Dark doesnt work?


Active member
Perfect Dark works, you can see the intro, the intro movie( when you dont press anything at start. You can entre the institute and get menus but when you are trying to go in a mission or in combat simulator the game simply crash
reason (at the bottom):
Trying to load textures out of their bound

I also did an import in unrealED 2.0 & 3.0: (using a t3d exporter plugin dor 3dsMax 5.0)
I imported the whole cradle in GoldenEye:
lots of bugs : because of the triangles
slow : lot of polygon count
fall-thru & invisible walls at a lot of places : poly coordination
hard to align textures due to triangle polygons
light system suck because it all triangles
and many other things...
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ive actually found a way to extract from perfect dark missions/multiplayer maps........use the nemu plugin in 1964, then make a pj64 savestate at the start of whatever map u wanna extract from then load perfect dark in 1964 and then import the pj64 savestate to start in that level:). took me a while to find a way but it works:)


as for the cradle mesh from goldeneye. to avoid all those probs dont just combine the whole model together and take it into ut. im using the cradle mesh myself and it works just fine. just keep it split up into seperate peices and take each peice into ued as a static mesh and slot em together. makes it a lot easier for uv mapping, the collision is fine, it doesnt run slow cos u can occlude distant peices with distance fog. wheras if its all as one model no matter how much u can see it will still all be renderd. and ligting is fine too. it just has a lot of probs if u combine it all as one model...and then even if u still have probs with collision in some places u can solve that with some invisible bsp.

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
Re: When?

alexa999 said:
When do you think the plugin will be finished and up for download?:plain: It is the sweetest idea!:) :) :) :D :D :D

When Icepir is ready to release it, dont ask those kind of questions....................... :getlost:
