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i need new dreamcst


my old one fried when i plugged it to a power transformer, it's from canada and the transformer converts it to the appreciate hk voltage (220v i think), although after 7 hours of play there were white smoke gushing out from the side vent shaft and the sound became muffled, and after a year it broke completely.

i'm currently in hk and would like to ordered a NEW dreamcast overseas, doesn't matter what power supply it has or region it is in, as long as it is new dreamcast. forget about e-bay, i ordered one and it never shipped, i ordered another one and it was used and NON-functional, although i was able to get my money back, besides we all know 80% of the so called *new* items on ebay are second handed anyways. i could get a tremcast here but some ppl already have their units fried due to the malfunctioning fan in the AC adaptor, also it's already been pointed out that tremcast units use old second handed dc boards and shipped with old controllers, and some LCD breaks in less than a month if you play it for more than 8 hours a day, i'm not shelling out $700 hkd when i can pay a little more and get a new ps2.

so please, does anyone know of a place that still sells new DC units and can shipped overses, like i said no e-bay amazon...etc BS!!!! i'm so sick of them lying bastards. thank you.


my old one fried when i plugged it to a power transformer, it's from canada and the transformer converts it to the appreciate hk voltage (220v i think), although after 7 hours of play there were white smoke gushing out from the side vent shaft and the sound became muffled, and after a year it broke completely.
It sounds like you burned out your power supply.
First you need to verify what voltage it was designed to run out. Second if it's letting out smoke STOP USING IT IMMEDIATELY. This means you were burning something, there are safety reasons why they have various power supplies etc. If you are in hong kong however you operate at 240 I believe not 220. This might seem trivial but 20VAC could be all the difference. So what voltage was the original dream cast designed to run at? What voltage are you on now?
The power supply is likely shot but, this is a good thing because it probably means your dream cast that runs the stuff is probably functional.

As I suggest check everything down the line of what you need at least 3 times and examine each voltage. Especially any conversion transformer, if I remember in the EAST yes means 'maybe' often to sell something. So be an informed consumer and do research before you buy something that 'almost' works.

Cyb - been there done that.. have wasted money to show for it.
