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I need help on controller config >.o


New member
Well, I use a real N64 controller for the emulator but like let's say you try to move left or right it does it really slow, but like up or down is fine, really it varies. Can anyone help?

^And by real I mean I use a USB thing that lets you hook a N64 controller to it and use it on your PC.
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New member
Make sure it's calibrated properly in Windows (Gaming Options).

Actually... NOPE... A "REAL" N64 controller with the Adaptoid "USB thing" doesn't need calibration... unless of course it is not the REAL thing... there are a lot of copy-cat N64 controllers made in China... I do not know if those need calibration...


New member
whatboy said:
Actually... NOPE... A "REAL" N64 controller with the Adaptoid "USB thing" doesn't need calibration... unless of course it is not the REAL thing... there are a lot of copy-cat N64 controllers made in China... I do not know if those need calibration...

Well since I calibrated it, it works just fine.. so it helped. o_O


Remember that the actual "controller" in this case is the adaptoid. The n64 controller is just an add-on of which the adaptoid translates for the pc.


New member
I didn't mean to say that China controllers are bad or anything else... but I once had a non-real controller and one from Nintendo... and the non-nintendo one uses some Pots, they were big... and the Nintendo one ??? well I don't know what kind of device it uses 'cos it is seal it on a square container... but it doesn't need callibration... that's it...
