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I know that there are a million threads about how slow the dolphins CPU is but...


New member
i know that there are a million threads about how slow the dolphins CPU is but... theres something i have been wondering for a while, i did search and i found nothing, im not really asking for this to be put in, but i was wondering if this would work or not, and if not, why not, anyways...

i have seen some programs in the general GC emulation section like thakis' THP viewer. (i will use this as my example) On the dolphin, when a THP video plays like the opening to super mario sunshine it runs at no more than 5 fps and no sound (at least with my GPU and CPU) but on thakis' THP wiewer, the sound is perfect and it runs at full speed. My idea was that if there could be some sort of "override command" which could be plugins or something that would make the dolphin "skip" sections of the game and skip calculations, (and possibly substituting them by running them through the override system) in this case it would skip over the command to run THP file and maybe run it through something else which would calculate it faster, like running it through a modified version of thakis' THP viewer (so it would run in the dolphin) maybe in a form of a plugin and when its done with those "override commands" go back to the normal booting

ok so my idea is that there should be custom plugins (so new stuff can be added) to tell where the "booting" would pause, how to run that file type (or section of the game) a "better" way, and then where the booting should resume to normal

just an idea though, and spare me the cursing and rude comments if there was something if i totally missed here, and for talking like a n00b


Emulator Developer
i think you talk about HLE and yes, it wouldnt be complex to integrate external HLE plugins this to dolphin.
there is a complete interface to support HLE but we have used it in the beginning of dolphin for speed up development only.

i dont know if there is a community who is intrested in reversing and rewriting parts of the OS or libraries to speed up the emulation and how much faster it would be.



New member
i think it would still be a cool idea to have that option to create HLE plugins.
But would the dolphin have to be open source for others to create HLE plugins?


New member
I'd be willing to do some of this stuff (assuming I have time for it, and as soon as I understand what I am doing). What is Dolphin programmed in, C++?
