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hypershadow gets OWNED


I Love Sushi!
=/, we need to get him a job at McDonalds flipping burgers, he has too much free time (altho he would probably spazz that up).


New member
Hey, I wouldn't mind a job at MickyDee's, I've always wanted to add my secret ingrediant to their burgers *scratches buttcrack*


CpU MasteR

omg h4x
vleespet said:
Now he has 3, namely Peter Griffin :p
I cracked down on Mr. HyperShadow when he "tried" to disguse himself as "Petergriffen" on IRC. Unfortunately, I found out a few things that he did wrong.

1: Hostmasks matched from New-Brunswick, New Jersy. Which where Hypershadow is from. I had a record of his real hostmask dating from a few weeks back when he first started hanging around.
2: Typing and grammar were so Alike. Example, He says "labtops" instead of laptops. Which he said few times in the #emulation64 chat room which completely blew his cover. (idiot... :doh: )
3: New Name on the boards, but his first post goes to a thread about Hyper?
4: No record of "Petergriffen" before Feb. 4th, 2004 until he joined Emutalk and first appeared in the #ngemu chatroom. Then entered the #emulation64 chat room a few hours later. Immediately, I informed Martin after making all the discoveries above.

So, No matter what he does, we will always know who he is. As long as I am around, he cannot hide behind nicknames forever. :ninja:
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