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HOLY SHIZZLE! Homebrew F-Zero X Track Editor for PC!

Nintendo Maniac

New member

There it is people, the track editor for F-Zero X that we never had. It's based off the track editor for the F-Zero X 64DD Expansion Kit, but since the rest of the world got ripped by it not making it out of Japan, here's your solution.

And if you're lazy and don't feel like making tracks, there's like 15-20 that come with it that you can race on. And even better, Dave Phaneuf, a beta tester for the track editor, made a patch that replaces ALL THE TRACKS with his own custom tracks for a completely new game, F-Zero DXP!

More like HOLY F****** SHIZZLE! In less than an hour I made my first test track. . .really easy to use. . .oh crap. . .I just remembered to close my dropped jaw. . .


Odd, it seems I've been banned from the forums. Yet I have never been on that forum, ever. :X
oh. . .it works. . .I've been working constantly on several tracks for days now. . .heheheheheheheheheheh (shizzy. . .love the spaceman spiff. . .)
Give a man a fish. . .

It really helps if you load the textures first. . .either from the file they provide with it, or the ROM if you have it. . .

If you don't have a rom then you shouldn't be scared of anything in the program because there's really nothing to mess up. . .

I just fiddled with it for maybe an hour and started getting the hang of it. . .I didn't master it because I got busy with something else. . .

By the way though it does come with a tutorial.

Yeah baby!
