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Zelda CelShade Producer
Hello all .

Just a little question , i would like , if it's possible , to be a beta tester for the dolphin team but i really don't know if this is possible ? Donate ? or others? for being a new members team for the beta test.

I really appreciate to help gcube emulation team. If this is not permissed to tell "how can i be a beta tester?" i'm really sorry ? but in dolphin web site , i don't find the way to donate or other to be an official beta tester .


New member
Uhm first i think its against the rules to ask be a betatester... they have already enough (or even too much since some of they tellin us secrets ;-)
And i dont think the team of dolphin recieve donations! They spending her free time and does already have enough from the adverts etc....
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