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Get fit with xbox


New member
No! This is not emulation related...although who knows, someday this game could be emulated, then this post would have revalance. Anyway.. I saw this on maxconsole, and really started laughing, I hope you will too, and since xbox emulation is slow, and xbox 2 on the horizon, it's good to have xbox in the news, even if it is just for a laugh.
<a href="http://www.gamemethod.com/Console/347/yourselffitness-xbox-preview?pg=1">click here for the new game</a>

thanx to <a href="http://www.maxconsole.com">maxconsole</a> for the news.


Just Another Wacko ;)
WTF? This is ridiculus... It must be a joke or something. "Use your XBOX to lose weight, no need to pay in order to go to a gym. Come on, get your fresh copy right NOW".
It must be the worst video game ever... It cannot even be considered as a video game.


aka Alshain
You can get fit a lot faster with this. My sister got it for PC, damn what a workout. Of course if you want it for PC you need a PSX Adaptoid for the pads, there arent USB pads.



I prey, not pray.
IMO, the best way to get an entertaining workout would be to play an FPS this way. Maybe even add a resistance (aka old person simulator) suit to it.


At your service, dood!
Man that would actually be awesome, to actually play a FPS while standing, running with a virtual gun etc. Thats if that technology could cope with someone running :p


New member
wow, I do like those movable tiles as well. The only problem of course is probably cost, but at any rate this game is somewhat of a start to a genre that will no doubt see some cool changes when playing video games no longer means your just sitting in front of the tv like a couch potato.


New member
Sayargh said:
pfft, i don't play games to get fit, i play them to be entertained :D

I agree, if they are going to make a game that gets you in better shape it should at least be fun, like Track And Field with the Powerpad on the NES. :) That was a blast.
