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Gamecubulator 1.0! (April fools 2004)


Gamecubulator 1.0!

Azimer has given us permission to release his very own gamecube emulator! He warns that it may not be compatable with many cards due to the fact he used a very old video card to develop with. This emulator runs 95% of the games out there, but not perfectly. It lacks sound and crashes frequently, but it does in fact run games at a decent speed due to the fact that it uses a highly optimized recompiler as well as using very high level emulation which hooks win api to system calls. I have not had a chance to test this emulator yet due to the fact I do not own any .gcm files, but beta testers have reported good success with this version. Enjoy!

Download: http://emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=14437
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Night Walker

thanks Azimer and aprentice.
here is a pic of four swords repscts to you both
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aprentice said:
Azimer has given us permission to release his very own gamecube emulator! He warns that it may not be compatable with many cards due to the fact he used a very old video card to develop with.
Very old video card ? It must be CGA or MDA....

This emulator runs 95% of the games out there, but not perfectly. It lacks sound and crashes frequently, but it does in fact run games at a decent speed due to the fact that it uses a highly optimized recompiler as well as using very high level emulation which hooks win api to system calls.
Very high level of emulation:
10 CLS
20 PRINT "Gamecube emulator v 1.05"
30 FOR I=0 TO 10000
50 PRINT "Abnormal termination"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The Khan Artist

Warrior for God
Oh, I fixed the issue about the missing OpenGL extension - seems to be working fairly well now. I got Mario Kart running, at least.

However, I seem to be having graphics issues - I guess it really was coded for low-end cards. :/


Active member
My95ZR2 said:
...At least stretch the image to make the fake screenshot look real...ametuers.


emulated games aren't always taking the whole window space you know

Take a look at the N64 games on your PC, most of them aren't taking the whole screen, some parts are black

And don't call me an amateur :getlost:


New member
It's not centered, there's a gap on the left hand side. Anyway, this was a pretty funny April Fool's joke. What's sad is noobies are gonna be bringing it up *looks at watch* 2 months from now asking why it won't work.



stupid april fools joke for me, as soon as i saw the title of this news topic i said "yep april fools..." but i think it's very good for the n00bs :D
