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GameCube: Worth it?

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DuDe_ said:
I don`t think they use a P3. AFAIK it`s an "Intel 700mhz cpu". They don`t say what brand is it. After all, GC uses an ATI card, it doesn`t mean that it uses a Radeon, does it?
It's a Celeron 700 Mhz w/133 Mhz FSB. Kinda an overclocked FPGA celeron. A 700 Mhz P3 is superior.


New member
No...I was wrong....it's a 733 Mhz CPU...unknown to me what type, but I know it's a x86, which is the main point i tried to make.

The GFX could be a problem tho....:

250MHz custom chip named XGPU, developed by Microsoft and nVIDIA

I believe it's one of those NV25 chips or whatever they were...i don't really care tho


heh.. if you guys haven't figured it out.. well for one.. it IS a PC just using some diferent software.. for example the main OS that is used after the games are loaded is something under 1 MB in memory i think.. as to the 25-29 MB in for example winXP.. it's basically a win2k 700 Mhz gf3(on steroids) game PC without all the crap that's in your home PCs OS that you don't need to run while playing games.. not only that.. the thing gives you blue screens when it gets messed up.. and once is alright.. but 2 times now it's happend when i've been to some store and played Valkyrie.. that is just embarasing.. not only that.. it would'nt matter if the machine had an established position in the gaming industry.. PS1 had it pretty alright when Bleem! came out.. that and also there wasn't any other machines at the time other than the N64 wich was getting old and the dying DC.. now there are 3 pretty new machines out there.. and the Xbox is if you ask me the closest one to being hacked.. and it hasen't even secured itself on the market like the PS had.. so it IS a big diference..


Harteex das Brot
I've never seen my or any Xbox give me bluescreen or something like that... If it happens, that shop should get another Xbox.
Which store was it btw..?


PJ64 Lubba
Josep said:
hehe, you like how stinkin' dejap through in there own little horny lines about the chicks in the story;) haha, well, i sure hope the company that made the game didn't do that;)

i think the translation was pretty faithful. I think those horny lines was always in the game. If dejap did it, they would have to make a whole scene (i donno if you saw it, it concerns taking a bath:!!!: ) Also, many FAQs speak of the horny lines in the game, proving the existance of them in the jap version. It will be interesting to see how nintendo censors this game.


New member
Yeah those lines were in the original game as well. There are many rpg's on the snes wih similar lines which were of course removed in the us and european versions.


Three original games; Super Monkey Ball, Luigi`s Mansion Waverace (virtually) and Pikmin. Coincidentally all on GameCube...
And the XBox graphics chip is more on par with a souped up GF3 than a GF4...


PJ64 Lubba
Stalkid, youre drunk! WaveRace isnt original!

for those of you that say that there are no original games, you havent looked hard enough. Original and good games are a different matter.


same with movies, i mean SHIT! you know how mad i am with Scooby DOo?! They have Outcast rapping all over scooby doo!? HOLY SHIT!!! OO, yes, original ideas are hard to find, i swear, this generation is running out of ideas, hell, even music! (Duh) With video games they just keep on enhancing the graphics, just like with movies;) and so on;)


New member

733MHz Pentium3 with only 128k cache
233MHz nVidia chip(basically work in progress between GF3 and 4)

And no, you can't just send the CPU instructions to your CPU. You would need a full emulator. Also, the games don't send D3D commands, then are compiled using D3D, but the game itself sends the data as a direct register command to the GPU, and no one I know of has the full register level specs for Geforce3/4 hardware :) This was talked about by a few MAME devs, and trying to emulate Xbox on a 733MHz normal computer was a joke.

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
Stalkid64 said:
Three original games; Super Monkey Ball, Luigi`s Mansion Waverace (virtually) and Pikmin. Coincidentally all on GameCube...
And the XBox graphics chip is more on par with a souped up GF3 than a GF4...

SMB=Marble Madness with some average party games
Luigi's Mansion=Fishing game, except the fish are ghost.
Waverace=i wont even bother
And I haven't played Pikmin yet (not released here).

Raging Fuel

The jumbles man, the jumbles
Macca said:
3 words: why not?

3 words: ssb:m just isn't that great. I was already getting bored of it the second time I played it. When I first played I thought it was great, but I found it got boring way to quickly. Pretty much like the original.


haha, come on now, when insults come to just how the console is shapped(kinda how some of those gay macs are;)) you can tell you've ran out of arguments;)


/can`t be bothered arguing with narrow-minded people. BUT...
Super Monkey Ball - FUN.
Luigi`s Mansion - FUN.
Waverace - FUN.
Argue with that strange people.
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