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GameBuster help!

AP Raul

How do I use game buster on Marvel vs Capcom 2?? I open up game buster, then I select the features I want, such as "Unlock Cahracters", but nothing happens. Is there a certain procedure I need to follow? Please help.


mad dog...
maybe you use a pal-cheat for a ntsc-game, or a different game-version, or so?

but you can try my cheater...

;Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 [T1212N] [V1.001]
Max Experience 01212C3C 00006363
P1 Infinite Health 01268760 00000090
P1 Partner 1 Infinite Health 012692A8 00000090
P1 Partner 2 Infinite Health 01269DF0 00000090
P2 1-Hit Death 01268D04 00000001
P2 Partner 1 1-Hit Death 0126984C 00000001
P2 Partner 2 1-Hit Death 0126A394 00000001
Infinite Time 00289630 00000063
Unlock All Characters 0228C420 FFFFFFFF
Unlock All Characters 0228C424 FFFFFFFF
Unlock All Characters 0228C430 FFFFFFFF
Unlock All Characters 0228C434 FFFFFFFF


Some Guy
You have to check the "Lock Memo" for it to activate, usually you do this before you start the game.
