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k... basically i havent heard from bluefyre for 3 weeks,
rs is too occupied and unmotivated to help,
and i lack the time, and mostly motivation to work on the code..
this is mainly caused by a lack of deciding what to do to fix fake64 up....

a) go with what we(i prolly) have now... fake64 coded in plain c, running a fair amount of games.. with the disadvantage of the code... well... being quite messy... i'd need to define apis between our cpu, debugger, video, input and sound module... which would be quite a bit of work....

b) recode fake64 oo... this has the advantages of a good structure... with a disadvantage of taking lots of time and debugging bugs i've prolly encountered before... also, im not sure of the oo language i should use, java is clean, but too slow... c++ is fast, but dirty...

comments appreciated... as well as help....
